As part of the Construction and Demolition (C&D) Recycling Ordinance, general contractors have options for which construction and demolition materials to reuse or recycle from affected projects. Common construction and demolition materials that can be reused or recycled include concrete and paving, corrugated cartons, wood, metal, paper, cardboard and plastics, and building components like windows and doors. Contractors also have options for where to take the construction and demolition material, including reuse or recycling facilities, using a qualified processor, and/or using mixed construction and demolition processors.

Facilities for construction and demolition debris

The list of C&D Recycling Facilities and Service Providers is supplied without endorsement. Other providers may also be available. The operational status of the providers may change.

Many general contractors of affected projects use licensed haulers to take construction and demolition debris to any of several facilities, including: 

  • Reuse or recycling facilities
  • Mixed construction and demolition processors
  • Landfills

Plus, licensed haulers or the facilities receiving the construction and demolition debris materials can provide the weight information a general contractor needs for their required recycling reports. Before the project starts, general contractors should reach out to their subcontractors, licensed hauler(s), processor and/or reuse facilities to plan how they will track and provide weight information.

Reuse and recycling facilities

The Austin area has many reuse and recycling facilities that accept construction and demolition materials like clean scrap material or reclaimed building components. (Some facilities require materials to be sorted before they arrive, so talk to the facility beforehand to set up your construction or demolition site and processes accordingly.) The recycling and reuse facilities can provide weight ticket summaries, which a general contractor needs for their recycling report, that itemize reused, recycled and landfilled tons for each load from the affected project. Use the Austin Reuse Directory to find where to donate, resell, recycle and repair items. 

You can also donate reusable and salvage materials to local construction reuse organizations. Commonly reused materials include: 

  • Doors and windows 
  • Fixtures, structural members and architectural parts 
  • Masonry and similar items 

Other materials that can be reused include ceiling tiles, appliances, carpet, gypsum, paint, porcelain and asphalt shingles.

Mixed construction and demolition processors

Mixed construction and demolition processors accept construction and demolition debris that has not been separated by material. A mixed construction and demolition processor will separate and divert metal, asphalt, brick, concrete, wood and other materials, when possible. Always confirm with your licensed hauler and processor to find out which materials are acceptable for mixed construction and demolition. 

The Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) has authorized several facilities to process mixed construction and demolition debris. 

Commonly recycled materials include: 

  • Concrete and paving 
  • Corrugated cartons 
  • Wood 
  • Metal, paper, cardboard and plastics 
  • Building components 

Qualified processors

The City of Austin (Austin Resource Recovery) can register mixed construction and demolition processors as qualified processors if they meet certain criteria. These criteria include having an independent, third-party validate the facility’s average diversion rate over several months. 

Qualified processors can provide general contractors with their average diversion rate and a summary of the total tons received from an affected project. Qualified processors do not have to determine the tons diverted and landfilled from each load, which simplifies both the processing and reporting for the qualified processor and the general contractor. Currently, the City of Austin has no qualified processors. If you are a processor and would like to learn more about becoming a qualified processor contact us.

Other mixed construction and demolition processors 

Unlike qualified processors, construction and demolition processors must examine each incoming load to determine the tons of material landfilled and recycled. The processor then provides the general contractor with weight ticket summaries that itemize both the tons of material landfilled and recycled for each load from the affected project. The general contractor must save and compile these weight tickets into a weight ticket summary spreadsheet (.xls) to complete their required recycling report. Processors include:

Processors can be added to or removed from this list, contact us.