General contractors will need this information to submit the required recycling report:
- Contact information of the general contractor
- Project information:
- Permit numbers
- Floor area
- Project address
- Weight tickets (provided by licensed haulers) or qualified processor hauling summaries for:
- Tons landfilled for the entire project
- Tons diverted from the landfill for the entire project
Guidelines to report for general contractors
1. Prepare in advance
Work with your subcontractors, licensed hauler(s), and processor and/or reuse facilities to gather tonnage information. Request that they provide individual weight tickets or a summary of all weight tickets in one document. If a weight ticket summary can't be provided, set up a weight ticket organizer spreadsheet (.xls) for individual weight tickets.
2. Save and log during your project
Save all individual weight tickets and/or summaries throughout your project. This includes landfill trips, mixed C&D, source separated materials (like metals or cardboard) and reuse efforts.
Log individual weight tickets into the weight ticket organizer spreadsheet (.xls) as soon as you receive them or log at regular intervals (e.g., at the end of the week or month). A weight ticket organizer isn't necessary if you sent all of your construction and demolition materials to one place that has provided or will provide a weight ticket summary of the entire project.
3. Submit your completed report when you request final inspection
The required recycling report is due when final inspection is requested, but may be submitted earlier.

Failure to submit the required report when the final inspection is requested is a violation of the reporting requirement and subject to a Class C misdemeanor, punishable by fines up to $500 per day, per offense. Please note the reporting requirement to Austin Resource Recovery is separate from the permitting process with the Development Services Department.
Tonnage calculation
The recycling report requires you to enter the "tons diverted" and "tons landfilled” for your project. You can calculate these numbers two different ways:
A. Qualified processor hauling summary
Qualified processors provide a simple summary of the total tons processed and the facility’s average diversion rate. To calculate tons diverted, multiply the facility’s diversion rate by the total tons processed. To calculate tons landfilled, subtract tons diverted from total tons.
Example: 100 total tons processed at a qualified processing facility with an 85% average diversion rate.
85% diversion rate x 100 total tons = 85 tons diverted
100 total tons – 85 tons diverted = 15 tons landfilled
B. Individual weight tickets
Processors and licensed haulers often provide weight tickets with the tons landfilled and tons diverted for each load of construction and demolition debris removed from a job site.
To calculate total tons landfilled and tons diverted for an entire project, add the tons landfilled and tons diverted from all of the weight tickets for your project in the weight ticket summary spreadsheet (.xls).