DSD inspectors will be participating in training Wednesday, March 19, and Thursday, March 20. Some inspections will be delayed through the following week.
The Building Inspection Division (BID) performs inspections on new construction, remodels, and trades (electrical, mechanical, plumbing) to ensure compliance with applicable building codes. After you activate your permits, you will coordinate each stage of construction with the appropriate inspections and applicable departments (see One-Time Inspections) by the City. Inspections are the final steps in the development and permitting process and ensure that everything is being built as approved and following public health and safety regulations.
An inspection may occur during construction or upon completion of the permitted work, but it is up to the applicant to schedule one. Inspections can be scheduled online via the AB+C Portal or by phone. Depending on the scope of work, a final inspection may lead to issuing a Certificate of Occupancy, which ensures a structure is safe for occupancy. Visit Certificate of Occupancy for information on obtaining a Certificate of Occupancy (CO) or a Temporary Certificate of Occupancy (TCO).
For general questions or emergency inspections, please email Building Inspections.
What you will find on this page:
Schedule an Inspection
You can schedule an inspection online or by phone. Visit the Schedule a Building Inspection webpage to learn more.
- Inspection Hours
Regular Business Hours
Monday-Friday, 7:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
After-Hours Inspections
Inspections can be scheduled outside of regular business hours. Please contact your assigned inspector directly for more information on scheduling an after-hours inspection. After hour inspection fees may apply, please review DSD's Fee Schedule.
Electrical After-Hours Inspections
For after-hours inspections related to an electrical shutdown, please contact Hyatt Dunn.
- Email: Hyatt.Dunn@austintexas.gov
- Call or Text: 512-226-3396
Emergency Inspections
Emergency inspections are available 24/7. Please visit the Permits for Emergency Repairs webpage for more information.
Note: Inspections are usually performed 24 hours after scheduling, but an inspector’s workload can delay a scheduled inspection until the next business day or 48 hours after scheduling.
- Resources
- Find Your Inspector - search by address, find inspectors and contact information.
- Printing Approved Plan Set
The permit holder and owner-general contractor must ensure that a paper copy of the approved plan set is available on-site for review by the City inspections staff. Failure to provide the City-approved set of plans may result in failed inspections and delays in receiving a Temporary Certificate of Occupancy or Certificate of Occupancy.
Locating Active Permits
Approved plan sets can be downloaded from the Austin Build + Connect (AB+C) Portal using your AB+C Portal account or Public Search. To locate using Public Search you will need the Plan Review (PR) number or address.
Visit the AB+C Portal
Navigate to Public Search on the AB+C Portal . Click the AB+C ‘Public Search’ option on the top right corner of the page.
Search for your PR number
In the "Search By" tab, enter your Plan Review (PR) number and click the "Search" button.
Select Permit/Case Number
Select the applicable Permit/Case number associated with your scope of work and click into the permit "Detail".
Download Approved Plan Set
Click the "Folder Attachment" tab on the Plan Review (PR) and click "Download" to access the approved plan set.
For additional instructions on how to navigate the AB + C Portal please refer to the AB+C Manual (PDF).
Unavailable PlansPlease contact Commercial or Residential Intake if you cannot locate the plans. Staff will verify that plans are available for download on the AB+C Portal.
If a plan set is unavailable for download, please submit a Public Information Request (PIR) to retrieve the original from off-site storage. Staff will provide a cost estimate for this retrieval and will work with customers directly to send the original for copying/scanning. The reprographics company of choice will charge the customer for the copies and scans.
- Code Information
The City of Austin follows the 2021 International Building Codes
and the 2021 International Energy Conservation Code
Local amendments to the International Building Codes are included in the City’s Building Technical Codes. View the Technical Codes and code interpretations for each discipline.
Building Inspection is the approval authority for all inspections regulated by the following Technical Codes:
Commercial Building Code (International Building Code)
Applies to all structures other than one-and-two-family dwellings and townhomes and applies to construction when a building is remodeled, or there is a change of occupancy.
Residential One-and-Two-Family Dwelling Code (International Residential Code)
Applies to all one-and-two-family dwellings and townhouses and includes mechanical, plumbing, and energy system requirements.Plumbing Code (Uniform Plumbing Code)
Applies to all plumbing system installations. In addition, natural gas installations are also regulated by the plumbing code.
Commercial Mechanical Code (Uniform Mechanical Code)
Applies to all mechanical systems regulated by the Commercial Building Code.
Electrical Code (National Electrical Code)
Applies to all electrical systems installed in the jurisdiction.
The Energy Code (PDF) (International Energy Conservation Code)
Applies to all commercial and residential projects.Appeals of code interpretations may be heard before the Building and Fire Code Board of Appeals, the Electric Board, or the Mechanical, Plumbing, and Solar Board.
Austin’s Construction and Demolition Recycling Ordinance requires affected projects to divert waste from the landfill. General contractors must reuse or recycle at least 50% of construction debris and submit a construction recycling report online when the final building inspection is requested.
For more information about codes and regulations, visit Codes, Resources, and Tools.
- Top 10 Tips for a Successful Inspection
- Verify work is complete before the scheduled inspection.
- Verify all deficiencies have been corrected for re-inspections.
- Schedule the inspection on the Austin Build + Connect (AB+C) Portal and use the Inspection Comment Tool.
- Ensure the job site is accessible and special access information is provided directly to the assigned inspector or listed on inspection request comments.
- Ensure the job site address is posted and visible from the street, including all unit's on-site identification.
- Ensure the latest city-approved plans are accessible for inspection staff.
- Ensure all required documentation is uploaded to the permit.
- Ensure all prerequisite inspections are completed before requesting a Temporary Certificate of Occupancy or final building inspection.
- Ensure someone familiar with the project is available and communicate with your inspector during the inspection.
- Review the building inspections webpage for the latest updates.
- Verify work is complete before the scheduled inspection.
- One-Time Inspections Phone List
If you are receiving error messages in reference to one-time inspections when attempting to schedule the 112 Final Building, you will need to contact the Partner Department/Division Contact to ask them to clear the "one-time inspections" so you can schedule the 112 Final Building.
Please note: Environmental Inspections must be scheduled through the Environmental Inspections webpage. All other inspections can be scheduled by emailing or calling that department.
Inspection Type Email Phone 600 - EV TCO Occupancy
601 - EV TCO Stocking
617 - Landscape TCO Occupancy
618 - Landscape TCO Stocking
602 - Environmental Inspection
603 - Landscaping
Environmental Pre-Construction &
Residential Tree Inspections
Fire Department
606 - Wildland Urban Interface (WUI)
607 - Fire TCO Stocking
608 - Fire TCO Occupancy
609 - Fire
fireprevention@austintexas.gov Option 3
Austin Water
610 - AW Temp Utilities
611 - Water Tap
612 - On-Site Sewage Facility Inspections (OSSF)
625 - Auxiliary Water Inspection
AW Water Conservation Irrigation Inspection
AWIrrigationInspection@austintexas.govOption 3
Austin Public Health
(located at RLC, 1520 Rutherford Ln)613 - Health TCO Stocking
614 - Health TCO Occupancy
615 - Health Inspections
ehsd.service@austintexas.gov Atmos Energy 888-286-6700
866-322-8667Centerpoint Energy servicepermit@centerpointenergy.com Texas Gas Services - How to Prevent a Permit from Expiring
Visit the Modify a Permit webpage to learn more about reactivating an expired permit, withdrawing an active or pending permit, and extending the expiration date of an active permit.
- Commercial Special Inspection Process
A Statement of Special Inspections form must be completed for projects submitted after February 13, 2017. In addition, a field folder will be issued with the permit when a special inspection is required. The field folder must be kept on-site at all times and include a special inspection log and other forms to be completed by the special inspector/testing agency.
View the Special Inspection process (PDF).
View the Special Inspection forms. - Commercial Process Flowcharts
- Commercial Building Inspection Flowchart (PDF)
- Commercial Mechanical Inspection Flowchart (PDF)
- Commercial Plumbing Inspection Flowchart (PDF)
- Commercial Electrical Inspection Flowchart (PDF)
- Tree Protection and Erosion/Sedimentation Controls Flowchart (PDF)
- Temporary Certificate of Occupancy Process Flowchart (PDF)
- Commercial Inspection Checklists
- Building Final (PDF)
- Building Framing (PDF)
- Building Insulation (PDF)
- Building Interior Wallboard (PDF)
- Building Layout/Foundation (PDF)
- Building Pre-Construction (PDF)
- Building TCO (PDF)
- Electrical Final (PDF)
- Electrical Grounding (PDF)
- Electrical Rough (PDF)
- Electrical Slab (PDF)
- Electrical TCO (PDF)
- Electrical Temporary (PDF)
- Mechanical Cooler/Freezer Rough (PDF)
- Mechanical Final (PDF)
- Mechanical Rough (PDF)
- Mechanical Stove Hood Rough (PDF)
- Mechanical TCO (PDF)
- Mechanical Temporary Gas (PDF)
- Mechanical Vent (PDF)
- Multifamily Dwelling Permanent Power (PDF)
- Plumbing Final (PDF)
- Plumbing Fire Line Rough (PDF)
- Plumbing Gas Rough (PDF)
- Plumbing Gas Yard Line (PDF)
- Plumbing Interior Water Lines (PDF)
- Plumbing Pre-Pour (PDF)
- Plumbing Rough (PDF)
- Plumbing Sewer Yard Line (PDF)
- Plumbing TCO (PDF)
- Plumbing Temporary Gas (PDF)
- Plumbing Top-Out (PDF)
- Plumbing Water Yard Line (PDF)
- Commercial Building Inspector Phone List
If you have an active permit, you can contact:
- Your assigned Building Inspector to share details like the gate or lock box code and when you plan to arrive.
- The Inspection Supervisor if you have questions about building codes.
For general building and permit-related questions, please contact the following divisions:
Visit the About Development Services webpage to view live chat hours.
Find Your Inspector - search by address, find inspectors and contact information.
Commercial | Administration | Right of Way (ROW)
Commercial Building Inspectors
Name Email Phone Joshua Williams - Supervisor joshua.williams3@austintexas.gov 512-665-0400 Jerry Andrews jerry.andrews@austintexas.gov 512-999-6845 Tannen Andrews tannen.andrews@austintexas.gov 737-262-2288 Jack Garcia jack.garcia@austintexas.gov 512-264-5106 Jose Leyva jose.leyva2@austintexas.gov 512-450-4962 Scott Roberts scott.roberts@austintexas.gov 512-552-7484 Commercial Plumbing Inspectors
Name Email Phone Chad Watson - Supervisor chad.watson@austintexas.gov Office: 512-974-2946
Cell: 512-228-6146Phillip Cantrell phillip.cantrell@austintexas.gov Joe Hernandez joe.hernandez2@austintexas.gov Aaron Hibbs aaron.hibbs@austintexas.gov 512-264-4013 Michelle Riffe michelle.riffe@austintexas.gov 512-299-3857 Jason Samsel jason.samsel@austintexas.gov 512-300-9823 Philip Sughrue philip.sughrue@austintexas.gov 512-293-6300 Don "Kyle" Welch don.welch@austintexas.gov 512-545-3521 Commercial Mechanical Inspectors
Name Email Phone Charles Ablanedo - Supervisor charles.ablanedo@austintexas.gov Office: 512-974-9027
Cell: 512-665-1581Leonard Gonzales leonard.gonzales@austintexas.gov Jonathan Herrin jonathan.herrin@austintexas.gov 512-999-2419 Joshua Ojeda joshua.ojeda@austintexas.gov 512-705-3927 Patrick Pena patrick.pena@austintexas.gov 512-633-4906
Commercial Electrical InspectorsName Email Phone Hyatt Dunn - Supervisor hyatt.dunn@austintexas.gov Office: 512-978-6402
Cell: 512-226-3396David Bernier david.bernier@austintexas.gov Keith Cameron keith.cameron@austintexas.gov Jonathan Cervantes jonathan.cervantes@austintexas.gov Martin Johnsen martin.johnsen@austintexas.gov Dan Kiser dan.kiser@austintexas.gov Tim York timothy.york@austintexas.gov Commercial Division Manager
Name Email Phone Marty Starrett - Manager martin.starrett@austintexas.gov Office: 512-974-3488
Inspection Administration
Name Email Phone Rick Arzola - Business Process Specialist rick.arzola@austintexas.gov Office: 512-974-2417
Cell: 512-550-5836Gloria Alvarado - Business Process Specialist gloria.alvarado2@austintexas.gov Office: 512-978-4646
Cell: 512-264-4842Right of Way (ROW)
Name Email Phone Right of Way Division rightofway@austintexas.gov - Commercial Appointments and Contact
Contact Us
For general questions, email us at building.inspections@austintexas.gov
For Commercial and technical inspection questions for your approved and active permit, please email the appropriate contact below:
Building - joshua.williams3@austintexas.gov
Mechanical - charles.ablanedo@austintexas.gov
Electrical - hyatt.dunn@austintexas.gov
Plumbing - chad.watson@austintexas.gov
Appointments are only for questions about general inspection policies and procedures for Commercial Inspections.
- Not for permitting questions. You will be redirected to the Building and Trade Contractor Services webpage.
Expected Appointment Duration: 15 minutes
- Residential Process Flowcharts
- Residential Inspection Checklists
- Building Final (PDF)
- Building Foundation (PDF)
- Building Framing (PDF)
- Building Insulation (PDF)
- Building Layout (PDF)
- Building TCO (PDF)
- Building Wallboard (PDF)
- Electrical Final (PDF)
- Electrical Ground (PDF)
- Electrical Rough (PDF)
- Electrical Slab (PDF)
- Electrical Temporary (PDF)
- Fire-Resistance-Rated Construction (PDF)
- Mechanical Final (PDF)
- Mechanical Rough (PDF)
- Plumbing Final (PDF)
- Plumbing Rough (PDF)
- Plumbing Sewer Yard Line (PDF)
- Plumbing Top-Out (PDF)
- Swimming Pool and Spa (PDF)
- Residential Building Inspector Phone List
If you have an active permit, you can contact:
- Your assigned Building Inspector to share details like the gate or lock box code and when you plan to arrive.
- The Inspection Supervisor if you have questions about building codes.
For general building and permit-related questions, please contact the following divisions:
Visit the About Development Services webpage to view live chat hours.
Find Your Inspector - search by address, find inspectors and contact information.
Residential | Administration | Right of Way (ROW)Residential Inspections - Northwest Austin Territory
Name Email Phone Charles MacConnell - Supervisor charles.macconnell@austintexas.gov Victor Acquarola victor.acquarola@austintexas.gov Gerard Ambrose gerard.ambrose@austintexas.gov Mike Franke mike.franke@austintexas.gov Niko Lanzi niko.lanzi@austintexas.gov 512-574-8049 Felicia Milligan felicia.milligan@austintexas.gov Frank Nanyes frank.nanyes@austintexas.gov 512-599-7705 David Perez davidc.perez@austintexas.gov Jim Richerson jim.richerson@austintexas.gov
Residential Inspections - Northeast Austin TerritoryName Email Phone Pat Wheeless - Supervisor patrick.wheeless@austintexas.gov Anthony Andrews anthony.andrews@austintexas.gov Sean Cockrell sean.cockrell@austintexas.gov Brandon Huerta brandon.huerta@austintexas.gov Derek Jacob derek.jacob@austintexas.gov Anthony Rainey anthony.rainey@austintexas.gov Bob Reed bob.reed@austintexas.gov Noe Rodriguez noe.rodriguez@austintexas.gov
Residential Inspections - Southwest Austin TerritoryName Email Phone Joey Martinez - Supervisor joey.martinez@austintexas.gov DeeAnn Afra deeann.afra@austintexas.gov Dale Heberling dale.heberling@austintexas.gov Isaac Martinez isaac.martinez2@austintexas.gov Sean McMullen sean.mcmullen@austintexas.gov Jimmy Patina jimmy.patina@austintexas.gov Robin Quick robin.quick@austintexas.gov Levi Singleton levi.singleton@austintexas.gov
Residential Inspections - Southeast Austin TerritoryName Email Phone Aaron Finney - Supervisor aaron.finney@austintexas.gov Stein Antonsson steinberg.antonsson@austintexas.gov Colby Gary colby.gary@austintexas.gov Karran Guillory karaan.guillory@austintexas.gov 512-436-1062 Ralph Martinez ralph.martinez@austintexas.gov Hector Nava hector.nava@austintexas.gov Grant Neeley grant.neeley@austintexas.gov Ryan Palumbo ryan.palumbo@austintexas.gov Adrian Rios adrian.rios@austintexas.gov Residential Division Manager
Name Email Phone Scott Cochran - Manager scott.cochran@austintexas.gov Office: 512-974-2729
Inspection Administration
Name Email Phone Rick Arzola - Business Process Specialist rick.arzola@austintexas.gov Office: 512-974-2417
Cell: 512-550-5836Gloria Alvarado - Business Process Specialist gloria.alvarado2@austintexas.gov Office: 512-978-4646
Cell: 512-264-4842Right of Way (ROW)
Name Email Phone Right of Way Division rightofway@austintexas.gov - Residential Appointments and Contact
Contact Us
For general questions, please email us at building.inspections@austintexas.gov.
Ask inspection questions related to residential building codes, plumbing, electrical, and mechanical codes for approved and active permits. Also, ask questions regarding building and trade inspection policies and procedures.
Expected Appointment Duration: 30 minutes
Residential Building Inspection Questions
Residential Mechanical/Electrical/Plumbing Inspections Questions