Program Details
- Eligible Applicants
Eligible Applicants
- 501(c) nonprofit arts organization
- An individual artist aged 18 or older*
- A creative business*
- Applicant’s most recently completed fiscal year’s budget is $150,000 or less
- One year of operating history in the Austin metropolitan statistical area (MSA)
- 51% or more of the applicant’s creative production is within the Austin 10-1 districts or extraterritorial jurisdiction (ETJ)
- Applicant has not already received or is not currently receiving City funding for the same activities in the fiscal year in which they are applying
- *May apply directly or with a fiscal sponsor
- See: Guide to Applying with a Fiscal Sponsor (English, Spanish)
Ineligible Applicants
- 501(c) non-profit organizations or that are not primarily an arts organization.
- Any applicant with annual operating budgets above $150,000.
- Applicant organizations outside of the Austin-Round Rock-Georgetown Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA).
- City of Austin Employees
- Eligible Activities and Expenses
Eligible Activities
- Exhibitions
- Performances
- Workshops and classes that include a performance or exhibition that is open to and marketed to tourists
- Public art projects that are installed on public or private property and accessible by the public
Eligible Expenses
- Administrative expenses and artist fees (including staff hours and contractor costs)
- Space rentals
- Equipment rentals (not purchases)
- Supplies and materials
- Marketing and promotion expenses
- Insurance costs
- Fiscal sponsor fee, if applicable (cannot exceed 10% of award)
- Glossary of Terms
Creative Business
A creative business is an individual or a group whose primary activities are arts and culture based, and does not have a 501c non-profit status. Creative businesses with annual operating budgets below $500,000 can apply as an individual or arts group in Nexus and Elevate.
Sponsored Project
The individual or group that is under the umbrella of the 501(c) organization or fiscal sponsor. Note: Sponsored projects are eligible to apply for Nexus.
Fiscal Sponsor
A nonprofit corporation with 501(c) status that applies for financial support on behalf of another organization or individual in order to enable the latter to receive the benefits of tax-exempt status. There are several forms that fiscal sponsorship can take, but in every case, the fiscal sponsor takes responsibility for external parties that the funding will be utilized for tax-exempt, charitable purposes as defined in the internal revenue code.
Creative Public Activity
An arts or culturally focused public event that is marketed and open to Austin residents, visitors, and tourists.
Extra Territorial Jurisdiction (ETJ)
The unincorporated area that is contiguous to the corporate boundaries of Austin and is located within five miles of those boundaries. Use this map to determine if a location is located in Austin Full Purpose and/or Austin ETJ.
Qualified Census Tract
The US Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) defines a Qualified Census Tract (QCT) as a census tract where: At least 50% of households have incomes below 60% of the Area Median Gross Income (AMGI) or the poverty rate is at least 25%. Find a map of QCTs.
Third-Party Resources
All Cultural Funding Programs are administered by Create Austin, a service of our third-party administrators at The Long Center for the Performing Arts. Access the Create Austin Resource Hub for additional support.
Past Grantees
- 2024 Awardees
See the full list of Summer and Fall awardees and view a dashboard for the 2024 Nexus Grant applicants and awardees.
- 2023 Awardees
See the list of awardees and view a dashboard for the 2023 Nexus Grant applicants and awardees.
The Thrive, Elevate, and Nexus cultural funding programs were developed in consultation with Austin’s creative community over multiple years. Funding is prioritized with a combination of seed funding, broad sector support, and targeted investment. Read the Cultural Funding Report (English, Spanish).