City of Austin
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Candidates will interview with several stakeholder panels, including a panel of representatives from City departments.
The City of Austin’s search for its next Chief of Police is gaining momentum with candidate screening and evaluation by the City’s executive search consultant, Mosaic Public Partners, underway.
City Manager T.C. Broadnax will ultimately narrow the field to top candidates and the interview process is scheduled to take place in the latter part of July.
The City sought input from community members through a survey available in English and Spanish that invited the public to share their preferences regarding the priorities and characteristics of Austin’s next Chief of Police. More than 1,200 people responded. A separate survey was sent to all Austin Police Department personnel, with close to 550 responses.
Candidates will interview with several stakeholder panels, including a panel of representatives from City departments. Following those interviews, finalists will interview with the City Manager, have a meet and greet with the Mayor and Austin City Council members, and participate in a community event.
The City Manager will then use feedback from the stakeholder panel interviews, as well as from the Mayor, City Council and community members, to inform his selection of a finalist for the Chief of Police position. The finalist will ultimately be presented to the Mayor and City Council for confirmation.
More information on time, date and location of the community event will be provided once finalized.