The applications will be reviewed for an unexpired term ending May 2027.
The Austin City Council seeks applications from qualified individuals to serve on the five-member Municipal Civil Service Commission (https://www.austintexas.gov/content/municipal-civil-service-commission). The applications will be reviewed for an unexpired term ending May 2027.
The time commitment for Commission business varies but is typically 20 hours a month. Hearings of the Commission typically last an entire business day and are scheduled twice per month with the option to add additional meetings as needed. Commissioners serve on a voluntary basis.
Applications will remain open until positions have been filled.
In November 2012, Austin voters approved to establish a municipal civil service system for most City employees not covered by state civil service law. The Municipal Civil Service Commission, or MCS Commission, was created by amendment to the City Charter to recommend the MCS rules to Council and also to serve as ruling body on appeals of disciplinary actions by covered City of Austin employees.
The MCS Commission hears and makes final, binding decision on appeals of City employees resulting from a Disciplinary Probation, Disciplinary Suspension, Demotion, Discharge, or Denial of Promotion. If rule revisions are brought forward by the MCS Director, the MCS Commission will recommend modifications to the City Council.
The City Council is looking for the following qualities for appointees to the Municipal Civil Service Commission:
- City of Austin resident.
- Qualified voter of the City.
- Preferred experience or knowledge of the administration of human resources or labor relations.
- Preferred experience or knowledge in labor/employment law.
The following persons may not be appointed to the Board:
- A person who is registered or required to register as a lobbyist under Chapter 4-8 of the City Code.
- Current City of Austin employees.
Application Process
Interested applicants may complete a City of Austin Boards and Commissions application online at https://austintexas.granicus.com/boards/forms/385/apply.
The applications will be reviewed and, if selected, interviews may be scheduled during a meeting of the Austin City Council Audit & Finance Committee.
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