City of Austin
Contact: Communications and Public Information Email

City offices closed on Monday, May 27.
City of Austin government offices will be closed on Monday, May 27, 2024 in observance of Memorial Day. Normal business hours will resume on Tuesday, May 28, 2024.
Austin Resource Recovery
Trash, Recycling, Composting and Facility Schedules
Curbside collections will follow regular schedules and will not be affected by the Memorial Day holiday. Customers can check their collection schedule any time in the Austin Recycles app or at austintexas.gov/myschedule. The Recycle and Reuse Drop-off Center and administrative offices will be closed on Monday, May 27 but Austin Water’s Hornsby Bend Biosolids Management Plant will be open regular hours for yard trimmings and large brush drop off.
Parks and Recreation Department
City of Austin Recreation Centers, Senior Centers, Museums and Cultural Centers will be closed on Monday, May 27. City parks, playgrounds, tennis centers, and golf courses will be open for their regularly scheduled hours on Memorial Day. Bartholomew, Barton Springs, Big Stacy, Deep Eddy, Garrison, Northwest, and Springwoods Pools will be open as well as all city-wide splash pads. Find all Austin Parks and Recreation facility closure information at AustinTexas.gov/ParkClosures.
Austin Energy
Utility Customer Service Centers will be closed Monday, May 27. Utility bill payments can be made at COAutilities.com. Other ways to pay can be found here.
Austin Public Library
Austin Public Library locations will be closed on Sunday and Monday. Remote library resources will be accessible through the Austin Public Library website: library.austintexas.gov.
Austin Animal Center
The Austin Animal Center will close on Monday, May 27 and reopen on Tuesday.
The City of Austin is encouraging Austinites and visitors to know how they are going to get home before they leave the house for the holiday and graduation celebrations, so they can get home safe. Visit austintexas.gov/gethomesafe to see a list of options.
For questions about City services or information call 3-1-1 or 512-974-2000. Service requests can also be submitted from the Austin 3-1-1 mobile app.