Composting is a natural process that breaks down organic materials into a dark, earthy, soil-like material. Putting compost on your lawn and garden adds nutrients to help plants grow. Follow this guide and you will be composting in your backyard like a pro in no time.
Chicken keeping and composting methods go hand-in-hand to keep food waste out of the landfill while creating healthy soil. Follow this guide and you will be chicken keeping like a pro in no time. You can also take a free self-guided chicken keeping class to learn more.
Follow this guide to compost like a pro with your curbside composting collection service from Austin Resource Recovery.
Residents of multifamily properties have access to commercial composting collection through their property management.
Austin Resource Recovery is committed to achieving zero waste by educating Austin’s youth to create the next Generation Zero! Austin Resource Recovery, in partnership with Keep Austin Beautiful, provides presentations and activity kits for students in kindergarten (K) through grade 12. Join us to engage youth in fun, hands-on activities to raise awareness about recycling, composting and conservation while fostering environmental stewardship.
The Single-Use Carryout Bag Ordinance (SUBO) took effect in March 2013. The ordinance regulated the types of bags that could be distributed by businesses in Austin and encouraged a shift to reusable bags. After the Texas Supreme Court ruled that a similar bag ban in Laredo, Texas violated state law, Austin lost its ability to enforce the Single-Use Carryout Bag Ordinance.
Zero waste is a philosophy that goes beyond recycling, to focus first on reducing trash and reusing products and then recycling and composting the rest. Zero waste recognizes that one person’s trash is another person’s treasure, and everything is a resource for something or someone else.