2021 Meetings: Page 2 of 5
2021 Meetings: Parks and Recreation Board
Meeting documents are also available for:
September 28, 2021
Regular Meeting of the Parks and Recreation Board
Approved Minutes(234KB)
Backup - A: Draft Minutes of September 14, 2021(187KB)
Backup - B1: Board Member Faust Presentation(6.9MB)
Backup - B1: Presentation(1.6MB)
Backup - B2: A-Presentation(1.3MB)
Backup - B2: B-Memorandum of Understanding(606KB)
Backup - B3: A-South Central Waterfront Plan Pages(6.0MB)
Backup - B3: B-Comparison of 2016 South Central Waterfront Plan and 2020 Modified Plan(1.8MB)
Backup - B3: Board Member Cottam Sajbal Draft Resolution(80KB)
Backup - B3: C-Open Spaces Exhibit for 2020 Modified Plan(533KB)
Backup - B3: D-Materials provided for tour of the Statesman site on 4.24.21(3.6MB)
Backup - B3: Presentation(7.5MB)
Backup - B4: REVISED Presentation(618KB)
Backup - B4: Presentation(632KB)
Backup - D. Director's Report(1.9MB)
September 14, 2021
Special Called Meeting of the Parks and Recreation Board - Meeting will be held at the Zilker Botanical Garden Auditorium, located at 2220 Barton Springs Road, Austin, TX 78746.
Approved Minutes(180KB)
Backup - A: Draft Minutes of August 24, 2021(211KB)
Backup - B2: Presentation(2.5MB)
Backup - C1: A-Presentation(5.7MB)
Backup - C1: B-Applicant Appeal Letter(2.1MB)
Backup - C2: A-Presentation(4.8MB)
Backup - C2: B-South Central Waterfront Plan Pages(6.0MB)
Backup - C2: C-Comparison of 2016 South Central Waterfront Plan and 2020 Modified Plan(1.8MB)
Backup - C2: D-Open Spaces Exhibit for 2020 Modified Plan(533KB)
Backup - C2: E-Materials provided for tour of the Statesman site on 4.24.21(3.6MB)
September 14, 2021 (Cancelled)
Concessions and Contracts Committee Meeting - Regular meeting will be held at the Britton, Durst, Howard and Spence Building located at 1183 Chestnut Ave, Austin, TX 78702.
Cancellation Notice(103KB)
Backup - September Contract Report(963KB)
September 13, 2021 (Cancelled)
Finance Committee Meeting
Cancellation Notice(103KB)
August 24, 2021
Regular Meeting of the Parks and Recreation Board - Meeting to be held with Social Distancing Modifications. See agenda for details.
Approved Minutes(200KB)
Backup - A: Draft Minutes of June 22, 2021(245KB)
Backup - B1: A-Presentation(3.3MB)
Backup - B1: B-Resolution No.20200312-041(1.4MB)
Backup - B1: C-Partnership Configuration A(271KB)
Backup - B4: A-Presentation(2.3MB)
Backup - B4: B-Survey Results Memo(4.9MB)
Backup - B5: A-Presentation(14.3MB)
Backup - B5: B-Engagement Data Memo(290KB)
Backup - B5: C-Board Questions and Responses(321KB)
Backup - C1: Presentation(18.6MB)
Backup - E: Director's Report(1.3MB)
August 19, 2021
Concessions and Contracts Committee Meeting - Special Called Meeting. Meeting to be held with Social Distancing Modifications. See agenda for details.
Approved Minutes(174KB)
Backup - A: Draft Minutes of April 14, 2021(176KB)
Backup - B1: A-Presentation(3.2MB)
Backup - B1: B-Resolution 20200312-041(1.4MB)
Backup - B1: C-Partnership Configuration A(271KB)
Backup - B2: Presentation(2.5MB)
Backup - C: August Contract Report(121KB)
August 18, 2021
Finance Committee Meeting - Special Called Meeting. Meeting to be held with Social Distancing Modifications. See agenda for details.
Approved Minutes(170KB)
Backup - A: Draft Minutes of June 17, 2021(173KB)
Backup - B1: Presentation(7.0MB)
Backup - B2: Memo(326KB)
Backup - B2: Updated Memo(142KB)
Backup - B3: Draft Budget Fact Sheet(175KB)
August 14, 2021 (Cancelled)
Announcement - Waterloo Park Reopening Ribbon Cutting and Land Acknowledgment Ceremony
Cancellation Notice(114KB)
2021 Meetings: Page 2 of 5
Page updated: 1/13/2025