Three Ways to Gain More Confidence for Your Next Bicycle Commute

As your calendar fills up with more outdoor activities during the sunnier weeks ahead, think about switching up your mode of transportation to practice sustainability and enjoy more vitamin D. Biking in Austin has never been more fun, safe and convenient than it is now. Whether you’re looking to get from home to work and back or add a leisurely scenic ride to your weekend coffee shop date, Austin is full of opportunities to enjoy a safe bicycle commute.

Ride Responsibly

If you’re used to the comfort of traveling in a car, the thought of cycling on the road can feel intimidating. If you’re looking to start commuting around the city on a bicycle, here are some tips to help set you up for success:

  • Map your route before you go. You’ll need your eyes and ears on the road at all times, so make sure you know your route ahead of time! Find the new 2025 Bike Map at your local library or bike shop — or view the interactive version here — to scope out the best routes to take on your commute.  
  • Obey traffic laws. Use the bike lane or a trail wherever possible. Be sure to always ride in the same direction as traffic and don’t forget to use your hand signals when turning.
  • Practice defensive driving. Make eye contact with motorists. Be certain they’re going to stop before heading into an intersection.
  • Stay prepared. Equip your bike with necessary safety gear like front and back lights to improve your visibility on the road.  
  • Stay safe with the proper gear. Always wear a helmet with a proper fit and strap. Wear clothing to protect you from the elements and comfortable shoes for pedaling.

Rent Your Next Ride

Don’t have a bike of your own? CapMetro Bikeshare has a fleet of 100% electric bikes available at more than 75 stations across the city. CapMetro bicycles are available 24/7 at stations that connect you to CapMetro bus and rail routes. Checking out an e-bike is an easy and convenient way to get around town while reducing your carbon footprint and increasing your physical activity!  

  • Rent out a Bikeshare using the CapMetro Bikeshare App or by paying at the kiosk. Students are eligible for a Student Pass.  
  • Take your bike for a spin! Check out a Bikeshare at one station and check it back in at any other location after your ride. Use the station map to locate the station nearest your final destination.
  • Return your bicycle to a dock to end your trip! You’ll her a beep letting you know the locks are engaged. Give the bike a tug to ensure it is secure.

Download the CapMetro Bikeshare App or check the bikeshare stations map to find the nearest stations to you. .  

Make it Fun

Have fun! Invite a friend to join you on your next ride. Add a scenic detour through one of Austin’s Urban Trails. The Urban Trails System provides a safe and comfortable way to connect to other bicycle networks and major roads through wide, safe trails that are physically separated from on-street traffic. Leave a little early and add one of these trails to your route to enjoy some extra sun and fresh air.  

Using the proper safety practices and a little bit of planning ahead, anyone can bike in Austin! For more inspiration on how to get around sustainably, follow Get There ATX on Facebook or Instagram or subscribe to the monthly newsletter
