Access permitting information for music, film, creative spaces, and events:

  • For assistance with Outdoor Music Permits, e-mail Brian Block or call 512-974-7966.
  • For assistance with film and creative space permitting, email Kim McCarson or call 512-974-7963.

Creative Space Assistance


Film Production in Austin


Outdoor Amplified Sound for Music


Special Event Permit


State of Texas Regulations and Tax Requirements for Venues/Special Events

Texas Music Office Special Events Guide - Learn about the Texas Alcohol and Beverage Commission's regulations, summary of taxes, and license fees.


Street Performing/Busking

Street performing (a.k.a. "busking") is legal in Austin and does not require a permit unless you are performing in a City park. Please obey the following City Code requirements and best practices:

  • Acoustic performances only, with sound at 85 decibels or under - No amplification allowed.
  • Don’t block sidewalks.
  • Noise or music cannot be audible to a nearby business or residence after 10:30 PM CST.
  • Always cooperate with Austin Police requests.
  • Safety first! Make sure you’re performing where people can safely gather without danger of stepping into a roadway.


Performing Artists in the Parks Permits – Performing artists may entertain in the parks if they are registered with and approved by the Parks and Recreation Department.

  • The permit fee for performing artists is $10 per day.
  • Permits may be purchased in two-week increments.
  • Contact 512-974-6797 for information.