Our Certification Division certifies qualified firms as Minority-Owned Business Enterprises (MBE), Women-Owned Business Enterprises (WBE), Disadvantaged Business Enterprises (DBE), Airport Concession Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (ACDBE), and Small Business Enterprises (SBE). The division also hosts a monthly pre-certification workshop for business owners interested in pursuing certification.
Our Compliance Division reviews, monitors and tracks MBE/WBE participation on City procurements throughout all phases of a project. Compliance also conducts site audits, reviews payment requests, facilitates performance and payment issues, and determines final compliance with the program.
Our Resources Division provides information and assistance to Austin’s certified minority and women-owned business community. The division facilitates outreach events with external partners, communicates programmatic changes, and hosts workshops, forums, and informationals on topics of interest to the minority business community. It also manages contracts with local service providers that assist with outreach activities to help increase the number of minority firms certified with the City of Austin and the availability of firms participating in City projects.