Disadvantaged Business Enterprise and Airport Concession Disadvantaged Enterprise (ACDBE) is a certification for small, minority- and/or women-owned businesses that are socially or economically disadvantaged.
A DBE/ACDBE certification increases opportunities for individuals wanting to do business with the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) and other State agencies receiving federal funds from the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) and the Federal Aviation Administration.
Minority and Women Business Enterprise is a certification for businesses that are owned, controlled and operated by an ethnic minority or woman.
A MBE/WBE certification increases opportunities for individuals wanting to do business with the City of Austin. Ethnic Minorities include: African American, Hispanic, Asian American/Pacific Islander and Native American.
Outreach facilitates internal and external communications regarding services, initiatives, programs and special notices to Austin’s community of certified firms.
SMBR routinely hosts outreach events and workshops on topics of interest to the minority business community, provides access and free training on the McGraw Hill Online Database, and offers no-cost access to business coaching.
Compliance monitors and enforces the City of Austin’s MBE/WBE program rules.
This review process includes reviewing solicitations, setting project goals, collaborating with a project manager to identify scopes of work, and verifying compliance plan information submitted by bidders and proposers on all phases of a project.
Compliance also conducts site audits, reviews payment requests, facilitates performance and payment issues, and determines final compliance with the program.