You can help stop human trafficking.  

Human trafficking affects millions of people worldwide, including both adults and children. Texas consistently is the state with the second most reports of human trafficking in the United States. Human trafficking is defined as the exploitation of adults and children for forced labor or forced sex for the benefit of a third party. People can be tricked, manipulated, or forced into a trafficking situation and it is not uncommon for someone to not realize they are being trafficked. 

If you can't leave or are in danger, call or text 9-1-1. 

Contact the National Human Trafficking Hotline for assistance 1-888-373-7888 or text 233733. You can request they report this to law enforcement and the Hotline will forward the information to all potential jurisdictions in which the trafficking occurred.

You can also report trafficking occurring in Austin to the APD Human Trafficking unit (512) 974-4786 or email, or anonymously contact the Crime Stopper’s tip line (512) 472-TIPS (8477).

Advocacy organizations in Austin provide intensive one-on-one support to children and families that have experienced trafficking. Advocates work closely to provide case management, connection, and stabilization to survivors of human trafficking.

Get Help Now!

Adult Emergency Shelters
Adult Transitional Housing
Legal Assistance
Immigration Assistance
Low-cost Medical Care
Transportation Assistance
Labor Trafficking
Drop-In Centers