
In 2019, APD did not investigate 43% of external community formal complaints. In 2020, this number rose to 45%.

These complaints from the community were closed without investigation for one of the following reasons.

Administrative Closure

For some complaints, APD determined that there was no policy violation. These complaints were administratively closed without an investigation. OPO does not concur with APD closing community complaints without investigation.

Officer Final Classification Agreement (OFCA)

The OFCA is an administrative process that allows a complaint to be closed without investigation depending on an officer's history and the nature of the policy violation. With an OFCA, APD has determined, without an investigation, that an officer violated policy. OPO has raised concerns about the use of the OFCA to close complaints without investigation.

Supervisor Referral-Minor Policy Violation

For other complaints, APD determined that an officer violated policy, but the violation was minor. After making this determination, APD handled these complaints with a Supervisor Referral-Minor Policy Violation (SR-MPV). The SR-MPV process was established by APD leadership in 2020, creating another way for an allegation to be closed without investigation. OPO and APD are often in disagreement about when to use the SR-MPV as a means of resolving complaints. It is OPO’s position that complaints from community members should be investigated.