
City of Austin Fiscal Year 2012-13
General Fund Departmental Budget Priorities Survey

How would you spend it?

As we move through the budget process, community input on spending priorities is critical. Please help us by filling out this survey. Below is a list of departments whose programs and services make up the majority of what is known as the General Fund. These departments use your sales and property tax dollars and other general revenue.

In the first column, we show you how the City of Austin spends $100 on these departments today, in fiscal year 2011-12. In the second column, you can reallocate the dollars as you see fit. Your final allocations must total $100.00.

For more information about the departments listed, please click on the linked department names. For more information about the departmental budgets, click on the linked amounts. For example, clicking on "Police" will connect you to the Austin Police Department's home page. Clicking on the dollar amount will connect you to the department's ePerformance page, where you can see activities, services, budgets, and performance measures and their current year progress. Each link will open to a new browser tab and will not disturb your survey entries. Thank you for your help!

In addition to the links below, for more information on the budget development process, visit the Austin Finance Online website. This site contains information on community engagement during the budget development process and links to the current and previous budget and other financial documents, citizen survey reports, and the ePerformance database.

  City of Austin's
$100 allocation
$100 allocation
Department Appropriations    
Public Safety    
Police $44.88  
Fire $22.02  
Emergency Medical Services $8.24  
Subtotal $75.14 0
Administrative Services    
Municipal Court $2.15  
Subtotal $2.15 0
Public Recreation and Culture    
Parks and Recreation $7.55  
Libraries $4.45  
Subtotal $12.00 0
Public Health and Human Services    
Health and Human Services $3.26  
Animal Services $1.26  
Social Services Contracts $2.63  
Subtotal $7.15 0
Urban Growth Management    
Planning & Development Review $3.56  
Subtotal $3.56 0
Total $100.00 0 Total must $100

Do you have suggestions for programs that the City of Austin should offer but doesn't or for services that should be reduced or eliminated? (optional)

Any other comments? (optional)

Can you please tell us your zip code?

When you are satisfied with your entries, please click on the "Submit" button to send the results to the City of Austin. To start over, click on the "Clear Form" button.



//get survey inputs
$police = $_POST['police'];
$fire = $_POST['fire'];
$ems = $_POST['ems'];
$municourt = $_POST['mcrt'];
$pard = $_POST['pard'];
$library = $_POST['library'];
$hhs = $_POST['hhs'];
$animal = $_POST['animal'];
$socialservicescontracts = $_POST['socialservicescontracts'];
$pdr = $_POST['pdr'];

$totamt = $_POST['TOTAL_AMOUNT'];
$suggestions = $_POST['SUGGESTIONS'];
$comments = $_POST['OTHER_COMMENTS'];
$zip = $_POST['ZIPCODE'];

//email variables
$to = 'budgetQA@austintexas.gov';
$subject = 'Budget Priorities Survey';
$message = 'Police: ' . $police . PHP_EOL .
'Fire: ' . $fire . PHP_EOL .
'EMS: ' . $ems . PHP_EOL .
'Municipal Court: ' . $municourt . PHP_EOL .
'Parks: ' . $pard . PHP_EOL .
'Library: ' . $library . PHP_EOL .
'Health and Human Services: ' . $hhs . PHP_EOL .
'Animal Services: ' . $animal . PHP_EOL .
'Social Services Contracts: ' . $socialservicescontracts . PHP_EOL .
'Planning and Development: ' . $pdr . PHP_EOL .
'Total Amount: ' . $totamt . PHP_EOL .
'Suggestions: ' . $suggestions . PHP_EOL .
'Other Comments: ' . $comments . PHP_EOL .
'Zip: ' . $zip;
$headers = "From: austintexas.gov";

$send = mail($to, $subject, $message, $headers); // mail function



City of Austin Fiscal Year 2012-13
General Fund Departmental Budget Priorities Survey

Thank you for submitting the survey.

For more information on the budget development process, visit the Austin Finance Online website. This site contains information on community engagement during the budget development process and links to the current and previous budget and other financial documents, citizen survey reports, and the ePerformance database.


Your Allocations:

Emergency Medical Services
Municipal Court
Parks and Recreation
Health and Human Services
Animal Services
Social Services Contracts
Planning & Development Review

Other Comments
Zip Code

