About the program

The Wage Theft Program was created to establish wage theft standards for the City of Austin. It was adopted under Resolution No. 20221201-031. The goal is to ensure that any employer contracting with the City has not been adjudicated for wage theft at the state and federal level. Wage theft, simply put, is any form of incomplete payment for work performed by an employee. This is different than a contracted vendor or subcontractor having unpaid invoices for services rendered. Common forms of wage theft are outright nonpayment of wages, withholding tips, asking employees to work off the clock, misclassifying an employee as an independent contractor, and many more.

Restricted vendor report

This report contains a list of vendors that are not authorized to do business with the City of Austin. These vendors are on probation, have been suspended, debarred, or were found to have committed wage theft.

Restricted vendor report (PDF, 72KB)

File a complaint

An employer doing business within the City that has a record of wage theft adjudication shall be identified in a wage theft database maintained by the Wage Theft Coordinator. Any person may make a complaint concerning wage theft by selecting the button below and following the prompts.

Request to investigate

Un empleador que lleve a cabo negocios con la Ciudad y tenga un expediente de adjudicación de robo de salario debe ser identificado en la base de datos de robo de salario, la cual es mantenida por el Coordinador de la división de Robo de Salario. Cualquier persona puede realizar una queja o reclamo concerniente a robo de salario al seleccionar el botón aquí debajo y luego seguir las instrucciones.

Solicitud para investigar


Wage Theft Ordinance (PDF, 3.6 MB)

For more information contact wagetheft@austintexas.gov.