The City of Austin is a diverse and multicultural city. As such, we believe diversity must be protected in every way, including preventing and responding to hate crimes and incidents. 

The Importance of Reporting Hate Crimes

For the police to respond effectively to any crime, they must be notified immediately via 911 so that any injuries can be treated, witnesses can be interviewed, and evidence can be collected and preserved. Notifying police quickly will increase the chance that suspect(s) will be arrested.

Unfortunately, victims of bias-motivated crimes are often fearful to report for a variety of reasons. This can lead to a significant under-reporting and inaccurate statistics. It also allows the suspects who committed these crimes to continue their behavior with other victims. The Austin Police Department wants victims of hate crimes to feel comfortable reporting these incidents to the police.

Ways to Report

  • If the incident is happening now, or just happened, call 911 immediately.
  • If the incident has already occurred, the immediate danger is over and there are no injuries, call Austin 911, 311 or 512-974-2000 (if you have a different area code than 512).
  • Report Hate Crimes Online

Understanding Hate Crimes

What is a hate crime or hate incident?

A hate crime is a criminal act committed against a person or person’s property that is motivated by bias against a person’s or group’s race, color, disability, religion, national origin or ancestry, age, gender, sexual preference, gender identity and expression, or status as a peace officer or judge.

It is important to note that Texas does not have a separate hate crime offense. Instead, the Texas Hate Crimes Act allows for the enhancement of the punishment for certain crimes. Examples of crimes eligible for punishment enhancement under the Texas Hate Crimes Act include murder, assault, sexual assault, terroristic threat, arson, criminal mischief, and graffiti. See Tex. Code of Crim. Proc. Art. 42.014

A hate incident is similar to a hate crime in that the act is motivated by bias. The difference between a hate incident and a hate crime is that a hate incident may not rise to the level of a criminal act.

Many offensive and provocative actions are not criminal and may be protected by the First Amendment.  For example, if someone handed out fliers with offensive language directed at a group of people due to that group’s race or religion, that act is considered a hate incident (rather than a crime) because there is no criminal activity involved.

How do I report a hate crime or incident?

If you are in immediate danger, call 9-1-1.

If you are not in immediate danger, you may utilize the following non-emergency options:

  • Create and submit your report directly to the Police Department using iReport.
  • Call 3-1-1 to make a police report.

It is always important to file a police report with the Police Department and provide as much information as possible as this will assist in finding and arresting a suspect in a crime, adding serial numbers to statewide databases to recover stolen property, tracking criminal activity in various areas to prevent future crimes, among others.

If you are unsure if you should file a report, have questions, comments, or concerns, or are looking for an update on a case, you can email

What happens when and after I make a report?
  • If you call 9-1-1, an officer will be sent to the location provided.  The officer will gather details and generate a police report.
  • If you choose to use iReport online, you will fill out the details on your own.  A report will be generated and sent directly to the Police Department.
  • If using 3-1-1 non-emergency, you will be provided a customer service report number.  Your report will be entered into a queue and the next available APD call taker will call you back to gather information and generate a police report.  The wait time varies based on call load but can take several weeks. 

What happens after a report is generated?

After completing the initial reporting process, the report is flagged as a possible hate crime and routed to the appropriate investigative unit.  APD has a Hate Crimes Review Committee, consisting of Law Enforcement, Victim Services, and representatives from APD Central Records, that meets monthly to review all cases where the victim may have been targeted due to hate or bias.  The Hate Crimes Review Committee reviews each case to first determine that a criminal offense occurred and then to review the details of hate or bias motivation.

If you send an email to, your email will be reviewed and, depending on the information provided, you will receive a response with guidance on next steps. Emails are reviewed Monday thru Friday during normal business hours.

Where does the report go after being reviewed?

If the APD Hate Crimes Review Committee determines that a crime was committed and it was due to hate, the assigned investigator will staff the case with the appropriate prosecuting agency.

The prosecuting agency then decides whether to pursue a hate crime enhancement to the offense. For most offenses, this elevates the potential punishment by one degree. For example, if the defendant committed a Class B misdemeanor level graffiti offense, and a court finds that it was a hate crime, then the defendant will be punished for a Class A level misdemeanor graffiti offense. See Tex. Pen. Code § 12.47

Where can I get support?

The Austin Police Department Victim Services Division can provide various support and resources.

Call: 512-974-5037 or 
