Streets are places where everyone comes together as a community. In Austin, everyone can help to make public space along city streets more attractive and interesting. This contributes to our quality of life, civic pride, sustainability, safety and walkability. 

Enhance a street

The following Austin Transportation Department programs are open to requests and applications to enhance public streets.

  • Artboxes: Make art canvases out of traffic signal cabinets.
  • Bicycle parking: Request installation of free bike parking on available right of way space.
  • Sidewalk cafés and street patios: Transform right of way space into temporary activity spaces. Sidewalk cafés may be operated by restaurants or businesses that are licensed to serve food. Street patios, or “parklets,” are a subset of sidewalk cafés, and created in spaces usually devoted to parking.
  • Street banners: Promote community groups and events, raise awareness and communicate key messages through street banners. Event organizers, nonprofit groups, public and governmental agencies, and public information campaigns may display street banners to promote a range of public interest activities and events.

A creative crosswalk with a blue ripple paint design on Lake Austin Boulevard.  Sidewalk cafe  View of a line of street banners for Austin City Limits in front of the Capitol building.  ATD employee installs banner in south congess

Suggest a street design change

Have a request or suggestion for an existing street design? Contact Austin 3-1-1 through mobile app or phone to submit a customer service request.

Austin Transportation Department manages the design and engineering of city streets through the following programs. Visit each program to learn more about upcoming and ongoing projects on Austin streets.

  • Bicycle Program: Learn about biking in Austin and bikeway projects in progress around the city.
  • Pedestrian Program: We work to make walking a safe and appealing way to travel around Austin.
  • Local Area Traffic Management Program: Submit requests to calm traffic on residential streets.
  • Traffic Signals: Request a traffic signal at an intersection for safe and efficient movements for all roadway users.
  • Residential Permit Parking: Apply to designate on-street parking in your neighborhood for residents. This program helps ease the impacts of non-residential parking along streets in neighborhoods near commercial properties.

Enhance a business district

Are you a merchant, organization or developer seeking to enhance a streetscape? Learn more about these business district programs run by our sister departments.

  • Neighborhood business districts: Souly Austin Business District Program (Economic Development Department)
    Business owners in a district can apply to form a merchants association. This program supports the formation of merchants associations that will anchor Austin’s business districts.
  • Downtown: Great Streets Program (Planning and Zone Department)
    This program provides financial assistance to private developers to share the cost of enhancements to downtown streets and sidewalks above and below ground level. Improvements may include utility improvements, streetscape improvements, added activities such as sidewalk cafés, and public art and other special features.

Additional City of Austin street enhancement programs

  • Neighborhood Partnering Program (Public Works Department)
    Apply for your neighborhood to work together with the City to bring public improvements to your area. Matching funds are available from the City.
  • Sidewalk Program (Public Works Department)
    Request repairs or installation of a sidewalk near you.
  • Art in Public Places (Economic Development Department)
    Artists can apply for opportunities to bring their art into public spaces. By ordinance, 2% of eligible capital improvement project budgets are allocated to commission or purchase art for that site.

View of a colorful art box near a sidewalk at night.  Volunteers standing in front of a designed artbox painted with flowers.

Questions or comments?

Please contact if you would like to share any feedback.

“As the public realm, streets should be designed to a higher standard for the common good of all people, in keeping with the Imagine Austin vision: “Austin Values and Respects its People.”

Austin Complete Street Policy, City Council Ordinance No. 20140612-119