Standards for street design are critical to ensuring safe streets for all modes of transportation. Street standards assist City staff and private sector design professionals in applying a consistent approach to street design. Austin Transportation is working on several initiatives related to updating street design standards.

Transportation Criteria Manual Update

The City of Austin's Transportation Criteria Manual (TCM) is one of nine technical criteria manuals cited in Austin's Land Development Code (LDC). The TCM defines the rules, requirements, and technical guidelines for building mobility infrastructure in Austin. 

Transportation Criteria Manual - Interim Standard Details Available

August 2024

The City of Austin has now published interim details in support of the new Transportation Criteria Manual, in advance of being formally adopted in the rules posting process. For more information visit

Transportation Criteria Manual - Adopted

June 2022

The updated Transportation Criteria Manual went into effect in June 20, 2022. This was the culmination of a two-year process in which Austin Transportation staff worked with multiple City departments, partner agencies, and design professionals to update and modernize Austin's 25-year-old TCM.

Development of the Transportation Criteria Manual 

Sept. 2021 Draft

View the 2021 draft TCM update

Comments accepted via email Sept. 29 – Nov. 1, 2021

Nov. 2020 Draft

View the 2020 draft TCM update

View the archive of the online open house

Comments accepted Nov. 3 – Dec. 31, 2020. 

Stakeholder Meetings

Sept. 21, 2021

View the webinar slides

View the webinar recording

Jan. 28, 2021

View the webinar slides

View the webinar recording

Have questions for the project team? Email

Optimizing Street Design and Fire Response Access

The Austin Transportation and Austin Fire departments have been actively coordinating on a variety of public and private sector street design projects and standards. Our goal is to achieve the optimal balance of protection for multimodal traffic and fire emergencies that results in the fewest total deaths from all causes. Staff provided a memo to City Council on March 4, 2019, recommending strategies to optimize a shared vision for public safety. Below are several resources that provide more information on this initiative.


Austin Street Design Guide

Released June 20, 2017, the Austin Street Design Guide contains modern street cross-sections that consider street function, land use context, and all transportation modes. The guide serves as a precursor to updates to the City’s Transportation Criteria Manual. Feedback received from staff, private sector design professionals, and the community on the Austin Street Design Guide will inform the Transportation Criteria Manual update. This guide was developed by the Austin Transportation Department in coordination with other City Departments and Capital Metro.