You can request a traffic or pedestrian signal in Austin by contacting Austin 3-1-1 online, with the app, or by phone. Learn more about the request requirements and how requests are evaluated.

How to request a pedestrian or traffic signal

You can request a signal by calling Austin 3-1-1 or submitting a service request.

Signal request requirements

To be eligible, a signal request must:

  • Be within Austin city limits.
  • Be farther than 300 feet from an existing signal. Placing signals within 300 feet creates many traffic problems and is prohibited without just cause.
  • Be more than two years since evaluated or studied previously. If a location has been evaluated or studied within the past two years, it will not be re-evaluated unless a significant change to the previous traffic patterns is anticipated. For example, if a large multifamily development or large grocery store opens in the area and significantly impacts traffic at the requested location.

Signal request evaluation process

All signal requests that meet the above requirements are eligible for evaluation for further study.

Pedestrian signals

For pedestrian signals, we evaluate each location based on pedestrian: 

  • Demand 
  • Risk
  • Safety

Traffic signals

For traffic signals, we evaluate each location based on:

  • Traffic observations
  • Pedestrian need evaluations
  • Crash history investigations

Evaluation process

Before a pedestrian or traffic signal is constructed, the potential location is studied to ensure a signal is appropriate. Throughout the year, signal and traffic engineers meet to discuss potential locations for study or if other traffic control measures should be considered in place of a signal. Locations are evaluated by the City Council district at least once a year and those locations identified for study are scheduled for data collection.

This study consists of an analysis of the location against guidelines established by the Federal Highway Administration. These guidelines can be found in Chapter 4F of the Texas Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (TMUTCD).

If the study recommends a pedestrian or traffic signal, that location is added to a construction list. As funding is identified, traffic and pedestrian signals from this list are designed and constructed. Pedestrian signals typically cost approximately $250,000 to construct. Traffic signals typically cost approximately $500,000 to construct.

Current signal requests and projects