green rectangle with white text that reads Providers

Why should I prescribe nature? 

Are you looking for a simple way to improve you patients lives? The truth is that almost anyone can increase the time they spend in nature, no matter what their physical abilities are or where they live. A growing body of research suggests that spending time in nature has a wide range of positive effects on human health, from reduced chronic disease to improved birth outcomes—over and above the benefits of exercise.

PARD prescription pad


large blue and green pill with white text that reads 1 who prescribes you

Blue and Green Capsule with text written in white text 2 Who receives patients with chronic diseases such as obesity stress diabetes

Blue and Green Capsule with text written in white text 3 What is prescribed time in nature physician and patient discuss activities and goals offers parks department brochure: with local parks amenities programs and follow up information

Blue and Green Capsule with text written in white text 4 what happens in the park participate in personal or organized activities read a book or meditate play frisbee or ride a bike have a picnic attend a fitness class

Blue and Green Capsule with text written in white text 5 what is the outcome mental health benefits improve cognitive ability benefits mood reduces stress increases social connections physical health benefits boosts physical health lowers blood pressure

Blue and Green Capsule with text written in white text that reads 6 next steps physician involvement if interested share patient information with the parks department parks department follow up with patients and provide local resources to nature and physical activity


blue rectangle with Patients written in white text