
In Fall 2011, PARD collaborated with the Historic Preservation Office (HPO) and Save Austin's Cemeteries (SAC) on a grant application to the Texas Historical Commission (THC) that would help fund the rehabilitation of the roof of the historic building at Oakwood Cemetery Annex. The cemetery and associated buildings and structures within the cemetery are designated as a City of Austin Landmark and are listed on the National Register of Historic Places. The building is in a deteriorated condition and a new roof is essential to the building's survival. PARD collaborated with The Lawrence Group Architects to complete construction drawings for the cedar shake roof, as it was originally designed by Austin Architect Hugo Kuehne in 1922, and construction is currently underway.

Project Leads

Alyson McGee, Deputy Historic Preservation Planner, HPO, PDRD
Kim McKnight, Preservation Planner and Cultural Resource Specialist, PARD
George Maldonado, Project Manager, PARD


Cemetery Updates

Cemetery Master Paln