Educación Nutricional

Taking care of yourself sets a good example for your children. When you do what is best for you, they do better, too. A little change can make a big difference to you and your family. Be your best and enjoy a better life.

WIC provides Nutrition Education to help you achieve your goals!

Online classes: Tons of helpful topics to keep the whole family healthy. Explore feeding tips, workout videos, story time and so much more! Go to the Classes section on and pick a topic that interests you! You can choose from a live, scheduled class OR you can go at your own pace anytime with a Click & Learn lesson. After taking the class, you will receive a certificate to turn in at your WIC clinic to reload your monthly food benefits. (

Cooking demos: Join a WIC Nutritionist in the virtual kitchen for tasty recipes and helpful tips! Choose a link below to view a delicious recipe from a previous cooking demo or join a live session on the Austin Public Health Facebook page. After watching the demo, take the quick survey link in the video’s caption to get your code that you can turn in at your WIC clinic to reload your monthly food benefits. (

Breastfeeding Live: WIC experts discuss a variety of breastfeeding topics and answer your feeding questions! Go to the Breastfeeding tab to find a topic that interests you or join a live session on the Austin Public Health Facebook page. After watching the session, take the quick survey link in the video’s caption to get your code that you can turn in at your WIC clinic to reload your monthly food benefits.  (

Paper Lessons: Technology free! Grab one at the clinic and learn about nutrition for your entire family. WIC staff will give you the paper lesson to complete for your Nutrition Education credit while they are loading benefits on your card at the clinic. 

Talk to a Nutritionist: Speak with the nutrition experts to help personalize your nutrition plan. We have group class or one on one options. Call 512.972.4942 to schedule an appointment to attend a group class or a time to discuss your nutrition questions for you and your family with one of our degreed nutritionists.


Upcoming Nutrition and Breastfeeding Live Videos

Recorded Facebook Live Classes


Fruit Salsa & Cinnamon Chips! - ¡Salsa de Frutas y Chips de Canela!

Cauliflower "Fried Rice" - Arroz Frito de Coliflor

Fall Pasta Salad - Ensalada de Pasta de Otoño

Sweet Potato Hash - Guiso de Camote

Sunshine Broccoli - Brocoli al Sol

One Pot Taco Casserole - Una Cazuela de Taco de Olla

Veggie Nuggets - Nuggets de Vegetales

Strawberry-Filled Cheesecake - Fresas con Relleno de Queso Crema

Mini Baked Omelets - Mini Omelets al Horno

Stuffed Pepper Cups - Tazas de Chile Morron

Sweet Corn and Black Bean Tacos - Tacos de Maíz Dulce y Frijoles Negros

Cauliflower Mango Ceviche - Ceviche de Coliflor con Mango

Spaghetti Squash with Spinach Sauce - Espagueti de Calabaza con Salsa de Espinacas

Chili de Frijol Negro y Camote

Breakfast Burrito Bowl with Butternut Squash - Tazón de Burrito de Desayuno con Calabaza Butternut

Winter Broccoli Salad - Ensalada de Brócoli de Invierno

Hearty Lentil Stew - Guiso de Lentejas

Veggie Chili Mac

Colorful Veggie Sesame Noodles - Fideos de Sésamo de Verduras Coloridas

Envolturas de Ensalada de Garbanzos

Southwest Zucchini Boats - Barcos de Calabacín del Suroeste

Brown Rice Tabbouleh - Tabulé de Arroz Integral

Baked Granola Peaches - Duraznos con Granola al Horno

Cucumber, Tomato & Chickpea SaladEnsalada de Pepino, Jitomate y Garbanzos

 Southwest Sweet Potato Black Bean Dip

Halloween Themed SnacksBocadillos de Halloween

Sweet Potato Treats Bocadillos de Camote

Holiday Themed SnacksBocadillos de las Festividades

Black Bean & Sweet Potato ChiliChili de Frijol Negro y Camote

Pasta Primavera English Pasta Primavera Spanish

Colorful Deviled Eggs Huevos Rellenos Coloridos

Avocado Tuna Salad Wraps Wraps de Ensalada de Atun y Aguacate 

Cucumber Peach Salad  Ensalada de Pepinos y Duraznos 

Online Classes

Take an online class here.