All information on this webpage is specific to the November 2024 City of Austin Election and the Campaign Finance Filing Requirements. Information will continually be updated as we approach the November 2024 Election. Please contact with any election related questions.

November 2024 Election Calendar / Calendario Electoral Noviembre 2024

Mayor and Council Candidate PacketPaquetes de Candidatos

Notice of Deadline to File an Application for Place on the Ballot | Aviso de Fecha Limite para Presentar una Solicitud para un Lugar en la Boleta

November 5, 2024 – Notice of Drawing for a Place on Ballot / Aviso Del Sorteo Para Un Lugar En La Boleta

General Information

General Municipal Elections are held on the November uniform election date authorized by state law in even-numbered years. The uniform November election date is the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November. The November 2024 Election will be held on Tuesday, November 5, 2024. The following offices will be on the 2024 Ballot:

  • Mayor
  • District 2
  • District 4
  • District 6
  • District 7
  • District 10


Pursuant to City Charter Article III, Section 8, the following contribution limits became effective upon the date of city council’s most recent adoption of the City budget: 

No candidate for Mayor or City Council and his or her campaign committee shall accept campaign contributions in excess of $450 per contributor per election from any person, except for the candidate and small-donor political committees. Additionally, the aggregate contribution limit from donors outside of Austin is modified to $46,000 per election, and $30,000 per runoff election. Note, the contribution limits may change once the budget is adopted in August 2024.

NOTE: Candidates wishing to participate in the voluntary limits on contributions and expenditures must submit the voluntary campaign contract no later than the earliest applicable deadline below:

  1. 30 days after the date the candidate files an appointment of campaign treasurer or an amendment of campaign treasurer with the city clerk’s office, if the applicable form was filed within 365 days of the next general election date; 
  2. 30 days after the date the candidate accepts a campaign contribution or makes a campaign expenditure, as shown on a campaign finance report filed with the city clerk’s office; or 
  3. the date the candidate files with the city clerk’s office an application for a place on the general election ballot or a declaration of write-in candidacy.

E-Filing System

In July 2020, the City Clerk's Office launched a new electronic filing system for candidates and political action committees to file their campaign finance reports online.

Campaign Finance Contact Form

To file electronically and obtain an E-Filing account and password, candidates and political action committees need to submit the following two forms to the City Clerk’s Office:

The CTA form will still be required to be submitted in hard-copy to the City Clerk’s Office. The CTA form may also be accessed through the Texas Ethics Commission Forms & Instructions page. The  Campaign Finance Contact Form may be filled out and submitted online or in person.

Campaign Finance

Beginning in July 2020, candidates and political action committees are required to submit their campaign finance reports using the City Clerk’s E-Filing System. Candidates must fill out and submit the Campaign Finance Contact Form online or in person before obtaining an E-Filing account.

On February 29, 2024, Council revised Chapter 2-2 relating to campaign finance regulations. See Ordinance 20240229-008.

For more information related to campaign finance reporting, go to the City Clerk's Campaign Finance Forms page.

Important Dates

First Day to Apply for Ballot by Mail Monday, January 1, 2024
First Day of Early Voting in Person Monday, October 21, 2024
Last Day to Apply for Ballot by Mail Friday, October 25, 2024
Last Day of Early Voting in Person Friday, November 1, 2024
Election Day Tuesday, November 5, 2024
Runoff Election Saturday, December 14, 2024