Active and expiring contracts
Active contracts
You can search active contracts by vendor, commodity code, or another keyword.
Expiring contracts
View contracts expiring in the next 180 days. You can sort by expiration date, category, and contract number.
Contract data and reports
Find information about City's authorized spending limit, contract lifetime, ordering and spending. Contracts are visible only while active. For the purposes of this data set, a contract is a long-term (multi-year) contract for goods and services and contracts for construction activity. Within the City, these are referred to as Master Agreements and Purchase Contracts.
Commodities and goods
Purchase Order commodity line level detail for City of Austin Commodities/Goods purchases dating back to October 1st, 2009. Each line includes the NIGP Commodity Code/COA Inventory Code, commodity description, quantity, unit of measure, unit price, total amount, referenced Master Agreement if applicable,the contract name, purchase order, award date, and vendor information.