Exterior view of Austin City Hall from Cesar Chavez Street.

The Austin City Hall parking garage is a public parking garage used by City Hall and downtown visitors, residents and employees.

Parking garage configuration

  • Vehicles may exit onto Lavaca Street or Guadalupe Street
  • Vehicles may only enter from Guadalupe Street
  • Exiting vehicles must yield to entering vehicles

Diagram showing entrance to City Hall Garage from Guadalupe Street and exit routes to Lavaca and Guadalupe Streets.

Parking for Austin City Hall employees is reserved on P3. 

City Hall parking rates

Fees generated from the garage are used for garage and building maintenance and operations at City Hall. Entry to the parking garage is located on the Guadalupe Street side of City Hall. Parking for people with business in City Hall is complimentary by validation. Validation will also be provided to City employees who are conducting business at City Hall and those participating in public-facing events conducted by the Texas Open Meetings Act, such as Boards and Commission meetings, held at City Hall.

NOTE: Effective May 26, 2023, the exit gate will be down, even when an attendant is not on duty.

Daily Rate Current Rate
0 to 30 minutes Free
31 minutes to 1 hour $6.00
Each additional 30 minutes $3.00
5+ hours $35.00 (daily max)
Monthly Contract $200.00

For inquiries related to the parking garage including requests for Monthly Contract Parking, please call 512-978-1607.