Welcome to Youth Sports sponsored by City of Austin Parks and Recreation Department. This program is offered for your enjoyment therefore, your cooperation and sportsmanship is essential to the overall success of the program. All players, coaches, parents, and spectators are expected to act in an acceptable manner during the entire program. 

City of Austin Parks and Recreation Department reserves the right to take any disciplinary action it deems appropriate against players, coaches, parents, and spectators not acting in an acceptable manner, including, but not limited to suspension from games, expulsion from the park and/or recreation centers and participation in any future programs. The benefit a participant gains from this program depends very much on adherence to the accepted standards of behavior, and the zero tolerance policy listed in this document. 

In this Code of Conduct, a “participant” is defined as any player, coach, parent, and/or spectator attending or playing in our programs and will be held to these standards.  These definitions provide information and direction to participants regarding standards of behavior, as well as consequences of participant misconduct. 

Participant Expectations

Each Participant is expected to do the following:  

  • Demonstrate courtesy, even when others do not 
  • Behave in a responsible manner, always exercising self-control 
  • Respect the rights and privileges of other participants and staff Respect City of Austin property and the property of others 
  • Cooperate with and assist the staff in maintaining safety, order, and discipline
  • Respect the game officials even when you disagree with their calls 
  • Respect Austin Parks and Recreation Department staff, facility rules, and program regulations being enforced Be mindful of your conduct. Make sure no action occurs that could reflect badly on yourself or your team. 
Unacceptable Behaviors

Unacceptable behaviors include but are not limited to the following:  

  • Failure to conform to program rules, regulations and ordinances 
  • Involvement in any instance or form of insubordination 
  • Use of profanity, vulgar language, obscene gestures, negative behavior, and unsportsmanlike conduct. 
  • Defacing and/or damaging City property or the property of others 
  • Engaging in inappropriate physical or verbal contact with any participant or staff 
  • Running, pushing, shoving, any participant, littering, or throwing objects (which are not part of the supervised activity) 
  • Involvement with drugs, alcohol, smoking, or weapon

Austin Parks and Recreation Department Sports Programs Code of Conduct

The City of Austin Parks and Recreation Department Sports Code of Conduct applies to all participants. The Code of Conduct is in effect as soon as the participants arrive at the playing facility or field and remains in effect until the participants leave the facility or field.

Level I Violation

Penalty: Verbal or Written warning, official may remove individual from game.  Participant should be aware that multiple written warnings could lead to a suspension regardless of the time between incidents.  Written warning will automatically place participant on probation for remainder of season. 

Maximum Penalty: Ejection from current game, plus eight (8) day or one (1) game suspension and probation for remainder of season.  

No Participant Shall: 

  1. Being seen in an objectionable demonstration of dissent at an official’s judgment (ex: throwing playing equipment, stare down tactics, begging a call, or any other intimidating action).
  2. Discuss with an official, in any manner, the judgment reached by an official except the coach.  (Participants should understand that coming on the field/court to discuss a call can be considered aggressive behavior and could fall into level III or IV).  
  3. Be involved in any “trash” talking on or off the playing field/court.  
  4. Refuse to abide by official’s judgment.  
  5. Being seen smoking on or off the playing field/court. This includes electronic cigarettes of any form.    
  6. Drink alcoholic beverages before, after, or during the game.
  7. Discuss publicly with spectators in a derogatory manner any play, judgment, or personal opinion of other individuals.  
  8. Mingle with or fraternize with spectators during the course of the game in a way that negatively affects the game in any way.  
  9. Permit anyone to remain in the player’s “bench” area, unless an active team member (coach, player and/or scorekeeper).  Parents and Spectators must remain in the designated parent/spectator area. 
Level II Violation

Penalty: Ejection from current game, plus eight (8) day or one (1) game suspension and probation for remainder of season.  

Maximum Penalty: Suspension from league and probation for one (1) year and/or assault charges filed.  

No Participant Shall:  

  1. Be seen in an abusive verbal attack upon any individual on or off the playing field/court. (Excessive could fall into level III or IV).
  2. Being heard using profane, obscene or vulgar language/behavior, in any manner, at any time, on or off the playing field/court.  
  3. Unnecessary rough tactics in the play of game. (Intentional/flagrant action could fall into level III or IV).
  4. Be seen smoking or use of any tobacco products while youth activities are in session.  This includes electronic cigarettes of any form. 
  5. Play under another individual’s name, falsify name, or falsify signature on official entry, lineup, roster or program forms, or a coach knowingly playing a player under a false name. 
  6. Violate Level I Code of Conduct while on probation for a previous incident. 
Level II Violation

Penalty: Suspension from league and probation for one (1) year and/or criminal charges filed.  

Maximum Penalty: Suspension from all Austin Parks and Recreation Department activities for one (1) year, probation for two (2) additional years and/or criminal charges filed.  

No Participant Shall:  

  1. Appear on the field/court of play, at any time, in an intoxicated condition or under the influence of any other type of drug which will infringe upon the individual’s safety or the safety of others. 
  2. Be guilty of an abusive verbal attack upon any official or City staff on or off the playing field/court.
  3. Use excessive profane, obscene, or vulgar language/behavior, in any manner, at any time, on or off the playing field/court.
  4. Directly or indirectly threaten another individual including officials and/or City staff. 
  5. Attempt to damage, destroy or steal City property and/or property of others.  
  6. Violate Level I/II Code of Conduct while on probation for a previous incident.  
Level IV Violation

Penalty: Suspension from all Austin Park and Recreation Department activities for one (1) year, probation for two (2) additional years and/or criminal charges filed.  

Maximum Penalty: Life suspension from all Austin Parks and Recreation Department activities and/or criminal charges filed.  

No Participant Shall: 

  1. Lay a hand upon, shove, strike, or threaten to strike an official or individual.  
  2. Be guilty of a physical attack upon any official or individual. 
  3. Be guilty of damaging, destroying or stealing city property.
  4. Be guilty of possessing and/or using altered equipment (balls, bats, etc.).
  5. Be guilty of throwing equipment at any official or individual with intent to harm or intimidate. 
  6. Be guilty of possessing a weapon on or off the playing field/court.
  7. Violate Level I/II/III Code of Conduct while on probation for a previous incident.  
Ejected Participant

If a player is ejected during the game: 

  • the suspension is for the remainder of the current game;
  • participant must remain away from the program for this period or further discipline can be taken; and
  • ejected participants must remove themselves within two (2) minutes from the confines of the facility (park or gym) where program is taking place, or the area as designated by the official or staff. 

If the ejected participant does not remove themselves immediately, 911 will be called. 

Suspended Participant

If a participant is suspended for any amount of time; s/he is not allowed to attend any designated program/league events for the duration of suspension.  The participant must remain away from the program/league for this period or further discipline can be taken.  If participant is found attending a game or practices they must remove themselves within two (2) minutes from the confines of the facility (park or gym) where the program is taking place, or the area as designated by the official or staff and if participant does not remove themselves immediately, 911 will be called. 

If in the event a coach is suspended, and the affected team does not have a co-coach to step in, the league coordinator/commissioner will appoint a coach in their place. 

Coach and Spectator Responsibility

Coaches/Spectators will be responsible to see that all their participants (i.e., all spectators and extended family/friends who attend the program) know and abide by the rules/regulations and the Austin Parks and Recreation Department Sports Programs Code of Conduct, before, during and after games. Coach shall be the official representative of the team and all participants. Only the coach and/or designated team captain may discuss a call or judgment made by the official(s).  Coaches may also have penalties imposed on them for their participant’s actions.  

Special Note

Any and all situations not specifically covered in the Austin Parks and Recreation Department Sports Programs Code of Conduct shall be acted upon by the game official(s), site supervisor(s), league supervisor, or other City staff. All such actions shall be the basis for similar situations and such rulings shall be final and become part of, the Austin Parks and Recreation Department Sports Programs Code of Conduct. 

Any Austin Parks and Recreation Department Sports Programs Code of Conduct verbal warning, written warning, ejection and/or suspension from program by any participant will be kept on file at the Athletics Office. Recreation Program Mangers and Site Supervisors can request records at any time from the Athletics Office. Any/all participants suspended from City of Austin programs may be subject to suspension from all other leagues and tournaments. 

Participants, who feel justified to appeal any judgment that pertains to the Austin Parks and Recreation Department Sports Programs Code of Conduct, must abide by the judgment at the time of enforcement. Participants must also abide by the judgment until the appeal process is completed, regardless of the length of the process.  Participant(s) may submit, no later than 24 hours after the disciplinary action is administered, a typed protest to the Recreation Site Supervisor who will forward their appeal to the League Commissioner for review. 

By participating in the sports programs, all participants attest that they have read and understand the Austin Parks and Recreation Department Sports Programs Code of Conduct. They further agree to abide by this Code of Conduct.

The City of Austin Parks and Recreation Department works hard to offer fun and safe recreational sport leagues as a service and need for the Austin community and zero tolerance for individuals jeopardizing our commitment to this service is in effect. 

Any participant who violates Level II, III, or IV and given a disciplinary action shall be notified of the time, place and date of meeting with Site Supervisor;  should the violator fail to attend the meeting, the person conducting the meeting may proceed to take whatever disciplinary action is given.  The participant in question then forgoes their right to appeal any disciplinary action brought up against them. 

Drafted version from December 18, 2014