OGP Responds to COVID-19


OGP Events Postponed

Close up of Covid-19 particle

From OGP Chief Executive Officer, Sanjay Pradhan:


Dear OGP Community:

Open government thrives when people come together in dialogue and work to co-create and implement reforms that bring governments closer to their people. Sadly, in the current context, it is not possible to have gatherings in many of our member countries. Coronavirus is now present in over 100 countries and the virus has impacted more than 120,000 people. 

Given the spread of the pandemic, we encourage OGP participants to follow public health instructions and guidelines in their communities and to delay any planned OGP events to later in the year or, if possible, switch to virtual meetings.

This includes OpenGov Week (OGW) events. OGW is now postponed until later notice. If physical events are already scheduled please delay or move to a digital format. We recognize having digital events is not always accessible or desirable, and for that reason we hope to identify a time to mobilize in-person events later in the year, should the situation allow. During the dates previously planned for OGW May 3 - 10, the OGP Support Unit will arrange a series of digital engagements for the community. Please contact opengovweek@opengvpartnership.orgif you have ideas or suggestions for virtual activities during the week. We will be back in touch with the community as plans develop.

In the coming months, it will be challenging for many OGP members to meet the OGP Co-Creation and Participation Standards (basic requirements and advanced steps), including the organization of consultation events and meetings for the co-creation and implementation of action plans and commitments. We are currently working with OGP’s Steering Committee to provide flexibility in our rules and guidance as it relates to action plan submissions, extensions on implementation periods, and IRM review processes during these exceptional circumstances. 

Details of the changes will be communicated within the next week. 

Please stay well and healthy.

Sanjay Pradhan 
Chief Executive Officer
Open Government Partnership

