Action Plan 2 Reflections: Resilience


OGP is preparing final summaries of Austin's second Action Plan, including our resilience commitment

A photograph of children outside on a sidewalk

Austin's Action Plan 2 climate resilience commitment focused on co-creation of a community-driven climate resilience pilot for the city's Dove Springs neighborhood.  Marc Coudert in the city's Office of Sustainability and community organization Go Austin Vamos Austin led this effort.

This year, OGP is gathering final feedback from OGP Local members completing their second Action Plans. Zach Baumer from the city's Office of Sustainability reflected on this Austin commitment, stating "The collaboration started with listening and relationship building, and that foundation has not only led to increased community resilience activities, but modified city departmental priorities, and a shared vision for resilience."

An example of this shift in priorities is the City of Austin Watershed Protection Department revising its mission and purpose to focus explicitly on climate resilience and equity, making it the city's lead dedicated agency for ensuring community accountability (City of Austin Action Plan 2 Report, at 4).  This is the level of long-term commitment integration that Austin's OGP community aspires to across all its Action Plan efforts, as the city strives to work with and for the central Texas community.

Next month, our OGP Bloomfire blog will share reflections from Action Plan 2's second commitment, focused on contracting with our homeless community. Stay tuned!

