Neighborhood Assistance Center

The Neighborhood Assistance Center (NAC) provides educational resources and information about the City of Austin’s Development Services Department (DSD) for non-applicant community members. The NAC helps facilitate communication between residents, community members, neighborhood stakeholders, and other departments within the City of Austin.

What We Do

The NAC assists non-applicant community members impacted by development within the City of Austin, specifically related to permits, inspections, and other processes within the Development Services Department.

We empower the community by training with online tools to better understand development within the City of Austin. Examples of these tools include Austin Build + Connect, Property Profile, Community Registry, and Development Tracker.

Our team conducts outreach and engagement to all groups wanting to learn more about the Neighborhood Assistance Center’s capabilities.

The NAC maintains the Community Registry (CR), which is a database of self-registered neighborhood associations and other community organizations. Stakeholders can get involved with City of Austin development by participating in active neighborhood associations, homeowner’s associations, and other self-defined community organizations, found in the CR. 

Contact the Neighborhood Assistance Center

NAC Email -
Phone - 512-974-7219
Schedule an Appointment:

Expected Appointment Duration: 30 minutes

Schedule Virtual AppointmentSchedule In Person AppointmentCita VirtualCita en persona

Additional Resources

City Council

Austin City Council
Council’s public “Message Board”: observe their discussion between meetings; meeting agendas & minutes; contact information

Participate at a City Council Meeting

Code Department

Austin Codes & Regulations
Links to all the Austin codes, regulations, rule postings, criteria manuals 

Citizen Connect
Interactive map of code complaints

Code Connect
“Hotline” staffed by experienced code inspectors to help with general code questions, provide resource guidance, escalate issues, and give updates on existing cases (phone & email)

Community Resources

Austin 3-1-1 Information

Austin Police Department (APD) District Representatives
Learn what services they can provide, what APD District are you in, and who is your “DR”

Austin Dispute Resolution
Non-profit community mediation & facilitation services

How to Create a Neighborhood Watch Program

Development Services

Development Process Team
Supports homeowners and small business owners to navigate the development process

Development Process Flowcharts
Flowcharts to better understand the development and permitting process

Land Development Code: Chapter 25

Municode Library

Notifications & Interested Parties
Types of development cases that require the City to send notices to residents and registered organizations

Online Tools
Easy-to-use list of links to various online resources for understanding development in Austin including AB+C Portal, Property Profile, and various maps

Urban Forest Grant
The Urban Forest Grant strengthens Austin’s urban forest by funding stewardship activities like tree planting, tree care, education, and disease control projects. 


Building Connections
News about DSD initiatives, process improvements, opportunities to engage with department team members

Events and Public Meetings
Education opportunities and input sessions for a variety of DSD topics

Housing & Planning

Understanding Austin's Zoning/Rezoning Process

Neighborhood Planning Program
Neighborhood Plans were implemented from the late 1990s through 2015, in the urban core and Oak Hill

Permitted Use Chart
What uses are allowed in each zoning district 

Vertical Mixed Use (VMU)
Overview of the 2006 optional Vertical Mixed Use overlay ordinance and the requirements/entitlements, if used by applicant