Entering and Exiting

Visitors are able to access the garage from Wilhelmina Delco Drive, Middle Fiskville Road or East Highland Mall Boulevard.

Floor plan for the City of Austin Permitting and Development Center

Permitting and Development Center (PDC) Public Parking Rates

Effective Feb. 1, 2023
Daily Rate
24 hours a day
Current Rate
0 to 30 minutes Free
31 minutes to 1 hour $5.00
Each additional 30 minutes $3.00
4+ hours $35.00 (daily max)

All rates include sales tax.


Validation will be provided to City employees doing business at the PDC, members of the news media and those participating in public-facing events conducted according to the Texas Open Meetings Act, Active Boards and Commission meetings listed on the Austin City Clerk’s website.

Validation will not be provided for members of the public conducting business at the facility. While single-occupant vehicle usage is convenient, the City encourages business visitors to explore sustainable options to reach the PDC. CapMetro Rail and several CapMetro Bus routes stop within a half-mile of the Center. On-site bicycle storage facilities are also available. These options align with the city's Austin Strategic Mobility Plan goal to reduce the share of single-occupant vehicle trips to less than 50% by 2039.