
The Office of Police Oversight needs your help to shape the future of public safety in Austin. There are many ways to get involved with our work.

1. Share feedback with us.

Austin's City Council and City Manager want to know your opinion on Austin Police Department (APD) policies. The Office of Police Oversight (OPO) has created events and surveys to collect community members' feedback.

Attend an event

OPO hosts events to engage the Austin community on police oversight.

Share your thoughts about rewriting APD's policies

We are currently engaging the public to rewrite APD's policies and reimagine community safety. You can give us your insight by taking a survey on community safety.

Participating in ongoing user research with OPO

OPO's communications and community outreach teams collect feedback to improve our efforts. Share your feedback by completing this short questionnaire. After you complete the questionnaire, an OPO staff member will reach out to you.

2. Invite us to your community meeting.

Are you a part of a community group that hosts regular meetings? OPO has bilingual community engagement staff available to present at your next gathering. Presentations are available in English and Spanish, with other languages available by request. Email to request a presentation.

3. Tell us about your experience with APD by filing a complaint or saying thanks.

4. Stay informed.

Follow us on FacebookTwitter, or subscribe to our newsletter.