
File a complaint about the Austin Police Department online, over the phone, in person, or by mail. You do not have to provide your contact information. 

1. Select an option for filing a complaint.


Required information

  • What happened
  • Date and time
  • Location
  • Your contact information

Optional information

  • Officer(s) involved
  • Witness(es)


Over the phone

Call the Office of Police Oversight at (512) 972-2676. We'd be happy to speak with you. 

If you need an interpreter, just tell us the language you prefer. 

Complaint intake hours are Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.

In person

You can complete the form in person at the Office of Police Oversight at 1520 Rutherford Lane, Austin TX 78754. We are in Building 1, on the 2nd floor, Suite 211. Visitor parking is in front of the main entrance. 

If you need an interpreter, just tell us the language you prefer. 

Complaint intake hours are Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.

By mail

Download and the complaint form (PDF). Print and fill out the form, then mail it to:

Office of Police Oversight

P.O. Box 1088

Austin, TX 78767

2. You have three options to file a complaint but remain anonymous. 

Community members can anonymously submit concerns about their interactions with Austin Police Department officers online with the form above. You do not have to provide any contact information. The City may be limited in what it can do with that information if the complainant does not verify their statement under oath.

  • Submit an anonymous concern by phone

Community members can anonymously submit concerns about their interactions with Austin Police Department officers over the phone. You do not have to provide any contact information. The City may be limited in what it can do with that information if the complainant does not verify their statement under oath.

Call the Office of Police Oversight at (512) 972-2676. If you need an interpreter, just tell us the language you prefer. 

  • File a formal complaint anonymously

The State of Texas Local Government Code Chapter 143 requires a sworn statement to question a police officer. 

 You may still submit a complaint and remain anonymous by visiting the Office of Police Oversight. OPO staff will request that APD's Internal Affairs division send APD officers to receive the anonymous complaint. The APD officers will listen to the complainant and certify that the complainant has chosen to remain anonymous. We encourage you to make an appointment to ensure assistance is available. 

 Call the Office of Police Oversight at (512) 972-2676. If you need an interpreter, just tell us the language you prefer. Complaint intake hours are Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.