As the City of Austin system continues to grow, the Parks and Recreation Department (PARD) creates and updates plans across the city by engaging the community to identify needs and preferences. Once the plan is completed, the PARD Development divisions are guided by the plan as the park or facility is turned from a plan into a reality. The plans on this page have been completed and are in the process of being developed.
Below are the active plans that are currently in varying stages of development. For a list of terms and definitions, click here. Please note: In 2020, PARD shifted away from the use of "master plan" to describe park and facility plans. The list below uses the new term. However, the final document may reflect the term that was used at the time it was approved.
Our Parks, Our Future: Long Range Plan
- View the Long Range Plan webpage (approved 2019)
Parks and Facilities
- Metropolitan Parks
- Holly Shores / Edward Rendon Sr. Park at Festival Beach Vision Plan: adopted 2014
- Vision Plan (PDF, 24 MB)
- Public Art Action Plan (PDF)
- John Trevino Jr. Metropolitan Park Vision Plan: adopted 2020
- Vision Plan (PDF, 19 MB)
- Vision Plan Boards (PDF, 2MB)
- Onion Creek Metropolitan Park Vision Plan: adopted 2015
- Vision Plan (PDF, 26 MB)
- Volma Overton, Sr. Beach Vision Plan: adopted 2017
- Vision Plan (PDF, 38 MB)
- Phase I Graphic (PDF, 1 MB)
- Phase 2 Graphic (PDF, 1 MB)
- Walter E. Long Metropolitan Park Vision Plan: adopted 2020
- Vision Plan Report (PDF)
- Vision Plan Map (PDF)
- Holly Shores / Edward Rendon Sr. Park at Festival Beach Vision Plan: adopted 2014
- District Parks
- Bartholomew District Park: adopted 2010 (PDF, 2 MB)
- Beverly S. Sheffield Northwest District Park: adopted 2022
- Vison Plan Report (PDF, 17 MB)
- Report Appendix A and B (PDF, 27 MB)
- Vision Plan Map (PDF, 3 MB)
- Givens District Park Vision Plan: adopted 2019 (PDF, 5 MB)
- Pease District Park Vision Plan: adopted 2014 (PDF, 41 MB)
- Neighborhood and Pocket Parks
- Brownie Neighborhood Park Concept Plan: adopted 2018 (PDF, 17.5 MB)
- Earl J. Pomerleau Pocket Park Concept Plan: adopted 2019
- Concept Plan Report (PDF, 1 MB)
- Concept Plan Map (PDF, 3 MB)
- Grand Meadows Neighborhood Park Concept Plan: adopted 2024
- Concept Plan Report (PDF, 2 MB)
- Concept Plan Map (PDF, 58 KB)
- Highland Neighborhood Park Concept Plan: adopted 2017 (PDF, 10.5 MB)
- Ridgeline Neighborhood Park Concept Plan: adopted 2022 (PDF, 1.7 MB)
- Other Parks and Locations
- Barton Springs Vision Plan: adopted 2009 (PDF, 22 MB)
- Brush Square Concept Plan: adopted 2019 (PDF, 7 MB)
- Central Williamson Creek Greenway Vision Plan: adopted 2021 (PDF, 48 MB)
- Parks Vision Plan at the Grove at Shoal Creek PUD: adopted 2019 (PDF, 16 MB)
- Republic Square Concept Plan: adopted 2014 (PDF, 40 MB)
- Woolridge Square Preliminary Plan: adopted 2017 (PDF, 40MB)
- Zilker Botanical Garden Master Plan: adopted 2019 (PDF, 15.5 MB)
- Facility Plans and Facility Expansion Plans
- Asian American Resource Center Master Plan: approved 2019 (PDF, 27 MB)
- Emma S. Barrientos Mexican American Cultural Center Facility Expansion Plan: approved 2018
- Facility Expansion Plan (PDF, 8 MB)
- Public Involvement Report, Plan, Materials (PDF, 21 MB)
- George Washington Carver Facility Expansion Plan: approved 2021
- Facility Expansion Plan (PDF, 8 MB)
- Appendices (PDF, 34 MB)
Additional Plans
- Cemetery Vision Plan and Site Plans
Full Cemetery System Vision Plan
Select the following links to view the final Historic Cemeteries Vision Plan:
- Full Cemeteries Vision Plan (PDF, 11 MB)
- Chapter 1-2: Intro & Context (PDF)
- Chapter 3: General Management Guidelines (PDF)
- Chapter 4: Oakwood Cemetery (PDF)
- Chapter 5: Oakwood Cemetery Annex (PDF)
- Chapter 6: Plummers Cemetery (PDF)
- Chapter 7: Evergreen Cemetery (PDF)
- Chapter 8: Austin Memorial Park Cemetery (PDF)
- Chapter 9-15: Policy & Funding (PDF)
Cemetery Site Plans
- Other Plans, Guiding Documents, Studies, Reports
- Aquatic Vision Plan: approved 2018 (PDF, 20 MB)
- Austin Memorial Park Cemetery Maintenance Facility & Columbarium Feasibility Study: completed 2023 (PDF, 36 MB)
- Butler Hike and Bike Trail Safety and Mobility Study: completed 2021
- Cemetery Vision Plan: approved 2015 (PDF, 11 MB)
- Central Maintenance Complex Program and Conceptual Design: completed 2023 (PDF, 4 MB)
- Eastlink Trail Interpretive Placemaking Plan: report 2020 (PDF, 36 MB)
- Facility Assessment Report: completed 2024 (PDF, 25.5 MB)
- Appendix A: Case Study and Project Prioritization (PDF, 3 MB)
- Appendix B: Park Priority Scores (PDF, <1 MB)
- Appendix C: CBRE Condition Assessment (PDF, 43 MB)
- Appendix D: Existing Facility Scorecard (PDF, <1 MB)
- Appendix E: Existing Facilities Program Comparison Matrix (PDF, <1MB)
- Walnut Creek Metropolitan Park Unified Stewardship Plan, completed 2024 (PDF, 39 MB)
- Task Sheets (PDF, 9 MB)
- Zilker Park Working Group Final Report | Back-up Material: completed 2019 (PDFs)