Each year, we get federal grants that we use to develop housing in the City of Austin. To get funding, we have to provide the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) with a report and our plans for the year. We also manage notices about requirements for the City’s partner groups that want to apply for federal funding.
The following reports are required by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). Austin City Council designates the Housing and Planning Department (HPD) as the single point of contact with HUD and lead agency for the grant administration of the entitlement funds received from HUD, including the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG), HOME Investment Partnerships, Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS (HOPWA), and the Emergency Shelter Grant (ESG). For consistency in reporting, the City of Austin reflects all local and federal funding in these HUD reports.
Visit the Action Plan SpeakUp Austin webpage for a list of public hearing dates and ways to provide input.
- Action Plans
Every year, the City of Austin prepares a one-year Action Plan to notify citizens and HUD of the specific goals and funding of that fiscal year based on the goals identified in the Consolidated Plan.
- Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing Choice
Analysis of Impediments (AI) to Fair Housing Choice is a process that recipients of grant funds from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development undertake as part of their obligation to affirmatively further fair housing (AFFH) under the Fair Housing Act.
Analysis of Fair Housing Choice 2019
- Section 1. Executive Summary (PDF)
- Section 2.A. Demographic Patterns (PDF)
- Section 2.B. Demographic Patterns (PDF)
- Section 3. Disproportionate Housing Needs (PDF)
- Section 4. Access to Opportunity (PDF)
- Section 5. Disability and Access (PDF)
- Section 6. Zoning and Land Use Analysis (PDF)
- Section 7. Community Engagement Findings (PDF)
- Section 8. Goals and Action Items (PDF)
Appendix A: Jurisdictional Level Maps
- Citizen Participation Plan
Participating Jurisdictions (PJs) that receive U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) entitlement grant funds must develop a Citizen Participation Plan (CPP). The CPP describes efforts that will be undertaken to encourage citizens to participate in the development of the City’s federal reports: 5-Year Consolidated Plan, annual Action Plan, and the Consolidated Annual Performance and Evaluation Report (CAPER).
- Comprehensive Housing Market Analysis
In order to obtain federal funding from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), participating jurisdictions must submit a consolidated plan that describes activities and resources used to meet the needs of low- and moderate-income families. The consolidated plan is designed to help states and local jurisdictions assess their affordable housing and community development needs and market conditions, and to make data-driven, place-based investment decisions. A required component of a consolidated plan is the completion of a housing market analysis. The Consolidated Plan and housing market analysis are used to inform policy decisions impacting household affordability and community development initiatives.
In 2019, the City of Austin and four other partnering agencies in the Austin area entered into an Interlocal Agreement to develop a regional housing market analysis. By partnering with other agencies, parties were able to reduce overall project costs while expanding the project scope to review regional rather than jurisdictional housing and economic trends. The regional housing market analysis evaluates market conditions for the City of Austin and Travis County.
City of Austin Comprehensive Housing Market Study (Document), 2020
The consultants who completed the Housing Market Analysis also developed a memo that describes the differences in student-serving versus non-student serving rental units, highlights the student impact on pricing and demand (particularly near UT-Austin, and adjusts the 2019 rental for full-time students.
- Consolidated Plans with Citizen Participation
The Consolidated Plan is the City of Austin's five-year plan to address the community's most critical housing and community development needs. The goals and strategies outlined in each Consolidated Plan are the result of an extensive public process.
- Fiscal Years 2025-2029 Consolidated Plan
- Fiscal Years 2019-2024 Consolidated Plan and Fiscal Year 2019-20 Action Plan
- Amended Fiscal Years 2019-2024 Consolidated Plan/Annual Action Plan (PDF)
- HUD Coronavirus Funds for City of Austin Housing and Services
- Fiscal Years 2014-19 Consolidated Plan and Fiscal Year 2014-15 Action Plan
- Fiscal Years 2014-19 Consolidated Plan and Fiscal Year 2014-15 Action Plan (Appendices)
- FY 2009-14 Consolidated Plan and FY 09-10 Action Plan
Chapter 1: Executive Summary Chapter 2: Community Profile Chapter 3: Housing Market Analysis Chapter 4: Special Needs Chapter 5: Public Input Chapter 6: Strategic Plan Chapter 7: Fiscal Year 2009-10 Action Plan
- Section 7.1: Executive Summary
- Section 7.2: Funding and Resources
- Section 7.3: Reports
- Section 7.4: Activity Tables
- Consolidated Annual Performance and Evaluation Report (CAPER)
At the end of the fiscal year, the City must prepare a Consolidated Annual Performance and Evaluation Report (CAPER) to provide information to HUD and citizens about that year's accomplishments. This information allows HUD, City officials and the public to evaluate the City's performance and determine whether the activities undertaken during the fiscal year helped to meet the City's five-year goals and to address priority needs identified in the Consolidated Plan and the Annual Action Plan.
- HOME-ARP Allocation Plan
To address the need for housing assistance and supportive services, Congress appropriated $5 billion in ARP funds to be administered through the HOME grant to perform activities that primarily benefit individuals and families who are homeless, at risk of homelessness, or in other vulnerable populations. This grant is referred to as HOME-ARP and is administered by the Housing and Urban Development Department
(HUD).The City of Austin is eligible for $11,441,252 in HOME-ARP funding. In accordance with HUD requirements, the City has prepared the following Allocation Plan that describes the process of gathering feedback, analyzes the needs of populations who are unhoused or experiencing housing insecurity, and proposes a spending plan for HOME-ARP.