Through ATX Walk Bike Roll, the city of Austin updated its sidewalk, urban trails, and bicycle plans. These plans will guide how we build urban trails, sidewalks, crosswalks, and bike lanes. They will also identify where we need them most.

What's happening now?

Austin City Council voted November 30, 2023 to adopt the Urban Trails Plan, Bicycle Plan, and Sidewalks, Crossings, and Shared Streets Plan. 

Updating three plans

  • Urban Trails Plan (2014): The plan update for the Urban Trails Program re-examines the proposed trail network, develops a new project selection process, and improves policies with the goal of building more miles of trails in less time.
  • Sidewalk Plan (2016): The plan update for the Sidewalk Program and Pedestrian Crossing Program looks beyond sidewalks to create a safe pedestrian network. The update considers where safe crossings are needed, as well as curb ramps, pedestrian islands, and more. 
  • Bicycle Plan (2014): The plan update for the Bicycle Program reevaluates the proposed on-street bikeway network. The update better integrates the on-street bikeway network with urban trails, transit, and other regional projects. 

Updating these plans together will give you more choices for how you travel. That brings us closer to achieving the Austin Strategic Mobility Plan (ASMP) goal of increasing how many people walk, bike, or take transit.

Centered on equity

ATX Walk Bike Roll centers racial equity in our planning efforts. Racial equity can be defined as “the condition when race no longer predicts a person’s quality of life outcomes in our community.” 

We know that previous planning efforts have invested more heavily in some parts of Austin, and have contributed to challenges communities of color face when it comes to transportation access, health, and safety. We are reevaluating how we make decisions and are focused on working with these communities throughout the decision-making process. Learn how we updated our plans through an equity lens on the About ATX Walk Bike Roll webpage.

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