Using good trail etiquette helps everyone stay safe and enjoy our urban trails. It also keeps our trails in good shape for future use.  Please keep these tips in mind before using the trail.

Trail Etiquette: Tips for Sharing The Trail 

For All Visitors:  

  • Pay attention to your surroundings, and be aware of others who may be walking, rolling, or riding on the trail. 
  • Travel on the right and pass on the left, with no more than two people side by side. Let others know you are passing by calling out “passing on left”!  
  • Respect our natural environment by protecting wildlife and vegetation. Dispose of all trash properly, do not approach or feed wildlife, and stay on established trails. 


For Pet Owners:  

  • Keep pets close to you and on leashes (leash must be 6 feet or shorter). 
  • Clean up after your pet and dispose of waste properly. Animal waste has a big impact on Austin’s water quality, so please remember to scoop the poop!  


For People on Bicycles and Permitted Vehicles: 

  • Yield to pedestrians and brake for walkers and runners. 
  • Ride single file. Cyclists should follow each other on the trail. 
  • Signal when passing by saying so out loud or use your bell. 
  • Observe the speed limit.