The Transportation Development Services Division provides review services to developers/applicants and their consultants on all aspects of transportation associated with a proposed development or redevelopment.

Transportation Development Assessment

The Transportation and Public Works (TPW) Department offers the development community two different routes to speak with TPW staff and receive feedback before submitting a formal development application. The first route is a free 20-minute meeting offered through the Land Development Information Services Division of DSD. This meeting is an opportunity to speak with TPW staff about the LDC and TCM. However, waivers, Alternative Equivalent Compliance (AEC), or specific design will not be discussed.

The second is through a Development Assessment facilitated by the Transportation Development Services (TDS) Division. A development assessment allows the applicant to meet with engineering and planning staff for a fee (fees listed in fee schedule). Applicants should submit concept plans of the proposed development along with questions needing to be addressed ahead of the assessment. TDS staff will answer posed questions, discuss waivers and Alternative Equivalent Compliance (AEC).

A development assessment may not be appropriate for all questions, and a formal review will be recommended in these circumstances. A second development assessment fee may be incurred. 

To request a development assessment please email

Transportation Impact Analysis (TIA)

Transportation development review includes Transportation Impact Analysis (TIA) for any of the following:

  • Proposed developments,
  • Transportation review of zoning/rezoning cases,
  • Subdivisions,
  • Planned Unit Developments (PUDs),
  • Site plans,
  • Any other type or form of developments or re-developments based on the Transportation Criteria Manual, transportation engineering, planning, and safety principles.

Transportation Impact Analyses and other transportation review studies identify impact(s) of proposed developments on nearby transportation infrastructure and recommend improvements and transportation demand strategies to mitigate impacts through transportation engineering and planning.

Area Traffic Engineers | View interactive map

The Transportation Development Services Division is responsible for implementing transportation policies included in the Austin Strategic Mobility Plan. This division is also responsible for reviewing development applications following land use codes as it relates to transportation, Transportation Criteria Manual, as well as assessing the need for mitigations to support the transportation network in zoning, re-zoning, planned use developments, waivers, site plans or any other development or redevelopment processes.

Transportation Criteria Manual

The City of Austin recently updated the Transportation Criteria Manual (TCM), one of nine technical criteria manuals cited in Austin's Land Development Code (LDC). The TCM defines the rules, requirements, and technical guidelines for building mobility infrastructure in Austin. The current TCM took effect on June 20, 2022, and is available for download (.pdf).

Fee Schedule

Download FY25 Fee Schedule

Transportation and Public Works Review Fees
(Transportation Development Services)

Effective Oct. 1, 2024
Neighborhood Traffic Analysis (NTA) $4,700
Planned Unit Development (PUD) <10 Acres $9,400
Planned Unit Development (PUD) 10-50 Acres $11,280
Planned Unit Development (PUD) 50-250 Acres $15,510
Planned Unit Development (PUD) > 250 Acres $19,740
Planned Unit Development (PUD) Amendment $3,760
Planned Area Development (PDA) $3,760
For PUD TIAs – See Site Plan Section -----------
Zoning Case Review < 0.25 Acres $1,880
Zoning Case Review < 0.5 Acres $1,880
Zoning Case Review < 1 Acres $1,880
Zoning Case Review < 10 Acres $3,290
Zoning Case Review <= 15 Acres $3,760
Zoning Case Review > 15 Acres $4,700
Zoning Traffic Impact Analysis (ZTA) Review / Waiver / Compliance Check $7,520
Administrative Extension $940
Administrative Small Site Plan Review $2,820
Administrative Waiver/Variance $1,175
Commission Extension $3,760
Commission Waiver / Variance $2,820
Conditional Use $3,760
Municipal Utility District (MUD) Consent Agreement $3,760
Neighborhood Traffic Analysis (NTA) $4,700
Other Site Plan Review (Revision, D, A, B, CD, DS, BS, T, W/R, Concept) $3,760
Site Plan Case Review (Consolidated) $7,520
Transportation Analysis Review 2,000-5,000 trips per day $18,800
TIA (including PUDs) Review 5,001-15,000 Trips per day $28,200
TIA Review (including PUDs) 15,001 - 40,000 Trips per day $42,300
TIA Review (including PUDs) 40,001+ Trips per day $70,510
Traffic Impact Analysis (TIA) Scoping Fee $2,820
Traffic Impact Analysis (TIA) Waiver/Compliance $7,520
Administrative Non-environmental Variance $1,175
Commission Approved Non-Environmental Variance $2,820
Construction Plan $3,760
Preliminary Plan $4,700
Final Plat $2,820
Plat/Subdivision Vacation $1,610
Project Assessment $1,880
Street Impact Fee Contestment $1,880
RCA/RCT to Commission/Council $1,580
Transportation Demand Management (TDM) Review $2,350
Transportation Development Assessment $1,880
LDIS Fees (Residential/Sidewalk Waivers) $235
Technology Improvement Surcharge 4%