Ordinance Compliance Requirements

1.      Register or renew annual City of Austin Certificate of Registration

2.      Pay $100 annual fee and display Certificate of Registration conspicuously

3.      Renew application annually 30 days prior to Certificate of Registration expiration date

4.      Notify the Financial Services Department no later than 10 days before making any material changes in business operations

5.      Maintain records of all extensions of consumer credit for at least three years

6.      Submit quarterly OCCC reports within five business days of the same being submitted to the OCCC. Submit reports in Microsoft Excel format to CABCommunications@austintexas.gov

7.      Provide consumers, upon request, a printed signed copy of any contracts the business requires the consumer to sign

8.      Loan Requirements: refer to ordinance for specific restrictions on extensions of consumer credit

9.      Display borrowers rights poster

Please refer to ordinance for complete list of requirements.

Credit Access Business Ordinance 20110818-075

If you have any questions regarding compliance requirements, contact:


The application packet includes:

CAB Registration Renewal form