The recreational Swim Team Program is organized to develop the potential and serve the recreational needs of boys and girls who are interested in learning about competitive swimming. See the Aquatics brochure for more information.

In addition to emphasizing good sportsmanship, team spirit and lifelong fitness, the program aims to build swimmers’ self-esteem through the enhancement of physical competence and mental fitness.

Swimmers who have participated in a year-round organized program (example USA Swimming) are NOT eligible to participate in this program due to the affiliation with the Texas Amateur Athletic Foundation (TAAF).


  • Must be 5 to 17 years old.
  • Swim 25 yards continuous freestyle (front crawl), exhibiting proficient breathing patterns.
  • Swim 25 yards continuous backstroke (back crawl) or 25 yards continuous breaststroke, exhibiting proficient kick & body position.


  • Resident Fees: $100.00 ($90.00 swim team + $10.00 TAAF fee)
  • Non-Resident Fees: $110.00 ($100.00 swim team + $10.00 TAAF fee)

Locations and Practice Schedules

On the first day of practice, participants will be split into two groups (A or B) based on age. Group A will swim the first hour and Group B the second.  One hour practices will include all participants.

For current times and locations, please check out our Program Guide in English, and Spanish.  Please visit to register.