In addition to emphasizing good sportsmanship, team spirit and lifelong fitness, the program aims to build swimmers’ self-esteem through the enhancement of physical competence and mental fitness.
Swimmers who have participated in a year-round organized program (example USA Swimming) are NOT eligible to participate in this program due to the affiliation with the Texas Amateur Athletic Foundation (TAAF).
- Must be 5 to 17 years old.
- Swim 25 yards continuous freestyle (front crawl), exhibiting proficient breathing patterns.
- Swim 25 yards continuous backstroke (back crawl) or 25 yards continuous breaststroke, exhibiting proficient kick & body position.
- Resident Fees: $100.00 ($90.00 swim team + $10.00 TAAF fee)
- Non-Resident Fees: $110.00 ($100.00 swim team + $10.00 TAAF fee)
Locations and Practice Schedules
On the first day of practice, participants will be split into two groups (A or B) based on age. Group A will swim the first hour and Group B the second. One hour practices will include all participants.
For current times and locations, please check out our Program Guide in English, and Spanish. Please visit to register.