Boat Docks and Austin Boat Dock Permits

Construction on, under, or next to the water in Lake Austin, Lady Bird Lake, or Lake Walter E. Long may require specific reviews and permits (§25-2-1171). Examples of typical construction projects include:

  • boat docks
  • boat slips
  • boat lifts
  • docks
  • floating docks
  • islands
  • bulkheads
  • wharfs
  • piers
  • stationary platforms
  • shoreline access
  • other similar structures

An approved site plan or site plan exemption is required before applying for a residential or commercial building permit. Visit Article 13 – Docks, Bulkheads, and Shoreline Access in the City of Austin Land Development Code to learn more.

Once built, your dock requires registration to improve visibility for public safety professionals and proper addressing.

What you will find on this page:

What is a boat dock?

A boat dock is a wharf, pier, floating dock, island, boat dock, boat slip, boat lift, stationary platform, or other similar structure.

Determine What You Need

Review this section to determine if you need a permit, a site plan exemption, or a site plan permit.

What can I do...

Without a Permit

  • Paint
  • Stain
  • Limited Landscaping
  • Place Furniture
  • Limited Lighting

With an Approved Site Plan Exemption

  • Simple dock re-decking
  • Repair of the existing structure with a building permit
  • Maintenance of existing structure with a building permit
  • Work that does not require a variance or approval from a city board or commission.
  • Repair an existing legally constructed bulkhead if the repair does not exceed 25% of the bulkhead or portion of a bulkhead, and if no repair to the bulkhead was done without a site plan in the previous three (3) years.

Exemption Resources


With an Approved Site Plan Permit

  • Any changes to a structure
  • Any new construction
  • Replacing parts of a structure, including load-bearing beams, walls, piers, or pilings
  • Adding new walls
  • Any demolition of the existing structure
  • Adding or expanding the existing footprint of the dock or shoreline access
  • Place anything underwater elevation

Site Plan Permit Resources

How to Apply

Apply for a Site Plan Exemption

A Site Plan Exemption is a small-scale development or zoning compliance review conducted before filing for or obtaining a building permit. Approval of a Site Plan Exemption is NOT a building permit but is a requirement before a building permit can be approved. A Site Plan Exemption should meet the criteria outlined in Section 25-5-2 of the Land Development Code (LDC). 

Follow the steps in the Site Plan Exemptions section on the Site Plans, Exemptions, and Corrections webpage. After your exemption is approved, visit the Apply for a Building Permit section on this webpage for instructions on how to apply for a residential or commercial building permit. 

Apply for a Site Plan Permit

Site plan applications are reviewed for compliance with Austin's development regulations as provided in the Land Development Code.

Begin with Step 2 in the How to Apply section on the Site Plans, Exemptions, and Corrections webpage. Visit the Site Plan section on the Forms & Applications webpage for the appropriate boat dock applications.

After your site plan application is approved, visit the Apply for a Building Permit section on this webpage for instructions on how to apply for a residential or commercial building permit. 

Apply for a Building Permit

An approved site plan is required before applying for a residential or commercial boat dock permit.

Residential Boat Docks 

An approved site plan is required before applying for a residential or commercial boat dock permit.

Visit the Apply for a Stand-alone Building Permit section on the Apply for a Stand-Alone Building or Trade Permit webpage. Follow the instructions to submit your completed General Contractor Permit Request (PDF) through the Stand-Alone Building Permit Web Form.

Commercial Boat Docks

Visit the Commercial Plan Review webpage and use the Commercial Building Permit web form to submit your completed Commercial Building Application (PDF).  

Boat Dock Registration and Renewal

The City of Austin's Boat Dock Registration Program aims to improve boat dock visibility for public safety personnel on the lake when responding to emergency calls for service. This program was established in response to Austin City Council Resolution No. 20130829-078, adopted on August 29, 2013.

City Ordinance No. 20140626-113 requires properly addressing boat dock structures on Lake Austin, Lady Bird Lake, and Lake Walter E. Long (§ 25-2-1180). This is a mandatory measure put forth by the City of Austin. Please note that this registration does not supersede any city permitting requirements.

Video icon   Video: Boat Dock Safety & Registration

How to Register or Renew

Follow these steps to submit your application to the City of Austin's Boat Dock Registration Program.

step 1   Take Photos

Take photos of the boat dock showing the address visible from the center line of the channel. Visit the "Addressing a Boat Dock" section to learn how to properly address the boat dock. If photos are not included, an inspector will perform an onsite addressing inspection. The photos can be submitted in Step 2.

If you have more than one boat dock structure located at the same address, you will need to address only one of the structures. At your discretion, address your most prominent boat dock. Visit the "What is a Boat Dock?” section for a definition.

step 2   Submit the Register a Boat Dock Web Form

Use the Register a Boat Dock web form to submit the required information and upload your photos. There are no fees to register your boat dock.

Register a Boat Dock Web Form 

After staff has received your registration form with current photos or performed an onsite addressing inspection, they will process your application. A staff member will contact you if any additional information is needed. 

  • If you do not receive anything from the Development Services Department regarding your boat dock registration after one week, please reach out through email at
  • If your submitted registration form is incomplete or invalid, DSD Environmental Inspections will contact you. 

If you cannot submit your application through the Register a Boat Dock web form, download and complete the Boat Dock Registration form (PDF). Submit the registration form and photos via:


The registration form may be emailed along with photo attachments to


Send USPS Certified Mail/Return Receipt Requested to:

City of Austin
Attn: DSD Environmental Inspections
P.O. Box 1088
Austin, TX 78767

In Person

The registration form may be submitted in person at:
City of Austin Permitting and Development Center
6310 Wilhelmina Delco Dr. 
Austin, TX 78752

* This is not a mailing address. Registrations mailed to this address will be returned. 

step 3   Onsite Lake Inspection

Once staff has received all required information, a lake inspection of the boat dock will be performed. 
If the inspection fails, the inspector will contact the applicant and provide further guidance on how to obtain compliance. 

step 4   Boat Dock Registration Issued

After passing the lake inspection, the boat dock registration is issued via email to the applicant. 

Registration Renewal

Registration renewal is required:

  • Residential properties - every 5 years
  • Commercial properties - every 2 years

Follow the registration steps listed in the section above to renew.

Addressing a Boat Dock

City Ordinance No. 20140626-113 requires properly addressing boat dock structures on Lake Austin, Lady Bird Lake, and Lake Walter E. Long (§ 25-2-1180). This is a mandatory measure put forth by the City of Austin.

How to address a boat dock

Address Signage

graphic showing where to put boat dock address

  • Your address must be located on the front of your boat dock and displayed above normal pool elevation. 
  • The signage must include the street address of the primary property associated with the dock on the lakeward side of the dock facing centerline of the lake or slough on which it is located. 
  • The letters and numbers must be at a minimum of two inches in height and must contrast with the background they are placed on (the preferred lettering is reflective, but this is left at the owner’s discretion). 
  • The signage must be constructed with materials that resist water damage and deterioration by ultraviolet light.

What if I have more than one boat dock at my address?

For those who may have more than one boat dock structure located at the same address, you will only need to address one of the structures. At your discretion, address your most prominent boat dock. Visit the "What is a Boat Dock?” section for a definition.

Appointments & Contact

If you have questions about the type of permit you need, the application process, or environmental regulations for boat docks and bulkheads, contact the appropriate group listed in this section.

Boat Dock Addressing & Inspections

For boat dock addressing or inspection-related questions, email or call 512-974-2278.


Visit the PDC Appointments webpage to schedule an appointment with Commercial Review or the Commercial Building Plan Review webpage to chat during business hours.

Environmental Review & Regulations

For questions about boat dock & bulkhead environmental regulations, please contact 


Visit the PDC Appointments webpage to schedule an appointment with Building and Trade Contractor Services, or visit the Building and Trade Contractor Services webpage to chat during business hours. 

Site Plan

Visit the PDC Appointments webpage to schedule an appointment with Site Plan Review, or visit the Site Plans, Exemptions, and Corrections webpage to chat during business hours.

Report a Violation

To report a violation, call Austin 3-1-1