Not all broadband providers offer the Emergency Broadband Benefit.
Providers serving Travis County:
Wireline providers:
- AT&T 1-866-986-0963 - serving most of Travis County
- Grande 1-844-357-0942 - serving most of Travis County
- Charter Spectrum 1-866-980-3107 - serving most of Travis County
Wireless (hotspot) providers:
- AT&T 1-800-987-0963 - serving most of Travis County
- Boost Mobile 1-866-402-7366 - serving most of Travis County
- Cricket Wireless 1-844-246-8364 serving most of Travis County
- Human-I-T (using Sprint/T-Mobile network) 1-888-391-7249 - serving most of Travis County
- T-Mobile 1-800-937-8997 - serving most of Travis County
- Verizon 1-800-922-0204 - serving most of Travis County
Why is internet download and upload speed important?
Download speeds are important for downloading files, loading a website, streaming a video or streaming music. Upload speed is how fast your internet connection can transfer your data to a server. Upload speeds are important for sending emails, sending files to other people, live video chats, and gaming. You’ll want higher speeds, particularly higher upload speeds, the more people you have in your household using the service.
Can I upgrade my current plan to take advantage of the full $50 per month (or $75 per month on Tribal lands)?
TBD. You may be able to do so but it depends on which plans the provider is offering as part of the EBB program.
If the service plan I pick is $40 per month, do I get the extra money?
No. The provider is only reimbursed for the cost of the plan up to $50 per eligible household, or up to $75 per eligible household on Tribal lands.
If the plan I pick is more than the monthly discount for broadband service, do I pay the extra myself?
Yes. You are responsible for any amount over $50 per month (or over $75 per month on Tribal lands) for broadband service under the Emergency Broadband Benefit.
I currently subscribe to a bundle of services that includes internet, TV, and phone. Can I apply the Emergency Broadband Benefit to my monthly bill?
The Emergency Broadband Benefit can be applied to the cost of a bundle of services that include broadband, voice, texting and/or associated equipment. If your bundle also includes a TV service, you will be responsible for that portion of your bill, as well as any services that are above the monthly discount.
How does enrollment in EBB affect my bundled services if I want to change my internet service level based on the options the provider is offering?
Can part of the monthly discount cover my router rental fee?
Yes. The monthly discount can be used to cover routers, modems, hotspot devices, and antennas, if offered as monthly rental costs in addition to your broadband service cost. Keep in mind the total monthly discount remains $50 (or $75 on Tribal lands).