Use these resources to complete the RSMP Application process. Submit the complete RSMP Application Package to DSD Intake for formal review.

RSMP Resources

RSMP Participation Handbook 

Use this document as a comprehensive reference for RSMP participation application and approval. Find drainage analysis guidance, modeling requirements, and more information about the program.


RSMP Feasibility Viewer 

Use this tool to determine whether a project is potentially feasible for RSMP participation. 

The Viewer will either determine that a project is potentially feasible for RSMP participation and lead the user to schedule an RSMP Feasibility Meeting with the RSMP Team or that a project is not feasible. If the project is not feasible for RSMP participation, the applicant should work with their assigned drainage reviewer to provide onsite detention per Code and Criteria. 

The RSMP Feasibility Determination is the first step in the RSMP Application process. 


RSMP Feasibility Determination Request Form 

Submit this form to to request a Feasibility Determination for a project and begin the RSMP Application process. 


RSMP Application Form

Submit the RSMP Application Form and all the requested Supporting Documentation to DSD Intake for formal development application review for site plans and subdivisions or plats


RSMP Payment Calculator 

Estimate the RSMP Payment amount for a project based on site details using this downloadable Excel spreadsheet (57 KB). See the file for instructions.

The RSMP Team updates this document at the end of September each year to reflect changes in construction costs.

Find more information on the Payment page.  


Watersheds List 

Use the watershed list to determine whether a project is in a participating watershed. 


AB+C Portal 

Submit development applications and updates here so the RSMP Team and other development review groups can review the information and provide comments. 


DSD Intake for Site Plans 

Submit a site plan for development review. 


DSD Intake for Subdivisions 

Submit a subdivision for development review. 


DSD Land Development Information Services

Meet with the Development Services Department (DSD) to discuss a project before submitting a development application. Meet with Drainage & Water Quality reviewers to discuss detention, drainage, and water quality concerns. 


Property Profile 

View property details by address, parcel ID, or development review case number. Use this information to complete an RSMP Application Form for RSMP participation.  



View flood information and request floodplain and StormCAD models.  


Strategic Plan “Problem Score” Viewer 

View the “Problem Score” map that considers Creek Flood, Local Flood, Erosion Control, and Water Quality issues across the City of Austin.  


Find My Drainage Charge 

View the estimated Watershed Protection Department Drainage Utility Charge for a property based on the impervious cover onsite. 


DCM 1.2.2.G 

Read the Drainage Criteria Manual Section 1.2.2.G. 


DCM 8 

Read the Drainage Criteria Manual Section 8. 


LDC 25-7-61 | No Adverse Impact (NAI) 

Read the Land Development Code No Adverse Impact requirement. 


DCM 1.2.3.C | Connection to Existing Drain Systems 

Read about the connection requirement for developments within 550 feet of existing storm drain systems. Projects with approved RSMP participation must fulfill this requirement. 


ECM 1.6.8 | Two-Year Flood Detention Control 

Read about the two-year flood detention control requirement. Projects with approved RSMP participation must fulfill this requirement. 


Flood Risk and Atlas 14 

Learn about the Atlas 14 floodplain study. 


ATX Flood Safety 

See the City of Austin floodplain and flood safety information. 


Floodplain Management 

Learn about floodplain management.