Access permitting information for music, film, creative spaces, and events:
- For assistance with Outdoor Music Permits, e-mail Brian Block or call 512-974-7966.
- For assistance with film and creative space permitting, email Kim McCarson or call 512-974-7963.
Creative Space Assistance
- Austin Cultural Trust - Supports acquisition and preservation of arts, cultural, and music spaces within Austin.
- Creative Space Assistance Program - Funding support for permitting requirements for creative organizations facing temporary or permanent displacement.
- Development Services Department:
- Codes, Resources, Online Tools
- Development Process Team - Supports homeowners and small business owners.
- Austin Build + Connect (AB+C) - Apply for building permits, schedule inspections, pay for permits, and assign permits.
- Development Tracker - Sign up for permit alerts.
- Land Development Information Services offers assistance and information about a wide variety of permits, including potential permits for building sets
- Land Status Determination Wizard - Determine land status for properties.
- Property Profile - Search and download property information, view aerial images or street views, and run reports.
- Heritage Tourism Division - Provides funding for preservation, restoration, and rehabilitation of historic buildings, sites, and districts.
Film Production in Austin
- Getting Started
- City Permits - Determine if a permit is required for your production.
- City Contacts - Find City of Austin filming contacts.
- Film Production in Austin - Resources - Find helpful local and state resources.
Outdoor Amplified Sound for Music
- Outdoor Amplified Sound - The City requires a permit for ALL commercial and non-residential establishments that use sound equipment outdoors (in any space that is not fully enclosed by four solid walls and a roof). These permits are reviewed by the Development Services Department's Entertainment Services Group.
- Outdoor Music Venue Permit - Apply for an Outdoor Music Venue (OMV) Permit for your establishment
- Residential Neighborhoods & Outdoor Amplified Sound – Outdoor Music Venue Permits cannot be issued for the use of sound equipment located within 100 feet of property zoned and used as "residential". Amplified sound without a permit is only allowed in residential areas 10am to 10pm CST and up to 75 decibels. Amplified sound may not be audible beyond the property line from 10 p.m. to 10 a.m.
- Noise Ordinance - Chapter 9-2: Noise and Amplified Sound.
- Amplified Sound Compatibility Staff Recommendations: Resolution No. 20181018-038
Special Event Permit
- Austin Center for Events (ACE) - Oversees permitting and planning for special events and festivals.
- Fiscal Year 2023 Austin Center for Events Fee Schedule - New fee costs starting October 1, 2022.
- Austin Center for Events Event Planning Guide - Special Event Permit and planning information.
- Special Events Updates - Community health updates.
State of Texas Regulations and Tax Requirements for Venues/Special Events
Texas Music Office Special Events Guide - Learn about the Texas Alcohol and Beverage Commission's regulations, summary of taxes, and license fees.
Street Performing/Busking
Street performing (a.k.a. "busking") is legal in Austin and does not require a permit unless you are performing in a City park. Please obey the following City Code requirements and best practices:
- Acoustic performances only, with sound at 85 decibels or under - No amplification allowed.
- Don’t block sidewalks.
- Noise or music cannot be audible to a nearby business or residence after 10:30 PM CST.
- Always cooperate with Austin Police requests.
- Safety first! Make sure you’re performing where people can safely gather without danger of stepping into a roadway.
Performing Artists in the Parks Permits – Performing artists may entertain in the parks if they are registered with and approved by the Parks and Recreation Department.
- The permit fee for performing artists is $10 per day.
- Permits may be purchased in two-week increments.
- Contact 512-974-6797 for information.