Park Ranger Logo with nature background



Current Closures

The Park Ranger Station in Zilker Park is currently closed. For more Parks and Recreation Department closures please see the Facilities Closures page

Our Mission:

Park Rangers are ambassadors for Austin's park system that promote responsible recreation, cultivate stewardship, and conserve parks' cultural and natural resources for the benefit of our entire community.

Ranger Programs

Virtual Hikes!

Join Ranger Jimmy on a Virtual Hike of Great Hills Trail in northwest Austin.

Wild Ones Online

Our exploratory outdoor program for preschoolers is now available online! Each episode has a different nature theme. Make sure to watch all three parts to learn, read, and create. Stay wild!

Bark Rangers

The goal of the Bark Rangers is to promote responsible use and enjoyment of City parks by citizens and their pets. Core environmental concepts are introduced including Leave No Trace Principles, outdoor safety for pets, and park stewardship for pet owners. The Bark Ranger Digital Workshop is now live! Watch the entire 30 minute video and answer the four questions at the end to become a Bark Ranger. For more information visit the Bark Ranger page.

Park Resources


The City of Austin is committed to compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act. Reasonable modifications and equal access to communications will be provided upon request. For assistance please contact (512) 974-3914 or Relay Texas 7-1-1.