Office of Civil Rights
Who We Are
The mission of the Office of Civil Rights (OCR) is to advance civil rights through thoughtful community and business engagement, strategic enforcement, and innovative policy development, with a commitment to race and social justice. Office of Civil Rights’ (OCR) primary program work focuses on the enforcement of civil rights and fair labor standards and education and outreach for those living and working within Austin City Limits.
Approved by the Austin City Council in August 2020, the Office of Civil Rights (OCR) is now a newly formed department, which provides a centralized entity to enforce the civil rights anti-discrimination ordinance and federal statutes. The Office of Civil Rights (OCR) provides education and outreach to the community; delivers feedback and recommendations to city management involving new and expanded initiatives; and works extensively with local, state, and federal partners and stakeholders to ensure that Austinites live free from discrimination and other civil rights violations.
The Office of Civil Rights works strategically to promote visibility, transparency, accountability, and responsibility. The Office of Civil Rights’ (OCR) primary goal is promoting the fair treatment of all individuals in the areas of Employment, Housing, Fair Chance, Title VI, Title II, Veteran Services and Public Accommodations.