Public Participation and Information
The Office of Civil Rights will conduct public participation through the following:
Create initiatives to prevent or eliminate discriminatory practices within the City of Austin.
- Build programs aimed at educating employers, potential victims of discrimination, and the general public about their rights.
- Educate the community on grassroots organizations, businesses, and local partnerships for resources and services.
1. Reach Austin communities.
2. Engage to better understand community needs.
3. Educate about the Office of Civil Rights enforcement and services.
Awareness Campaign
Listening Sessions
Partnership Development
Commission Initiatives
Interested in collaborating with the Office of Civil Rights for local community events, please click on the Contact Us tab and submit a request to speak with our Community Engagement Specialist, Damian Pantoja.
- Community Engagement
The community engagement component of the Office of Civil Rights benefits the residents of the City of Austin in several ways through providing Public Information, Education, and Outreach. The Office of Civil Rights serves as a bridge between the government and the residents of Austin, ensuring that community engagement efforts lead to a more informed, empowered, and cohesive community that upholds and protects civil rights for all.
- Increase Awareness
- Access to Resources
- Promote Inclusivity and Empowerment
Interested in collaborating with the Office of Civil Rights for local community events, please click on the Contact Us tab and submit a request to speak with our Community Engagement Specialist.
- Increase Awareness
- Veteran Services
The Office of Civil Rights is designed to improve the support and well-being of the veteran community through education, outreach, and community engagement.
- Foster collaboration among service providers and government agencies
- Educate and provide awareness about veterans' rights and resources
- Enhance and expand available resources and services for veterans, surviving spouses and dependent
See the Veteran Resource Directory to find further resources and support.
To learn more about the improvement and support of the Veteran community, please click on the Contact Us tab and request to speak to our Veterans Service Administrator.
- Past Civic and Policy Advancements
The Office of Civil Rights held in-person engagements to better understand how implementing changes to support City Council initiatives will impact the residents of Austin.
On February 03, 2022, Austin City Council adopted Resolution No. 20220203-039, to explore tenants' rights to organize and redress grievances related to housing.
On February 03, 2022, Austin City Council also adopted Resolution No. 20220203-040 to explore providing an additional right to cure lease violations prior to eviction.
On June 09, 2022, Austin City Council approved implementing the Austin CROWN Act.
On January 27, 2023, Austin City Council adopted Resolution No. 20220127-053 to identify and develop procedures to ensure that staff are prepared to receive complaints of wage theft and other employment violations. The City of Austin Purchasing Department now enforces the Wage Theft Ordinance.
- Past Outreach and Community Engagement
2024 Fair Housing Conference & Resource Hub
Colony Park Sustainable by City of Austin Economic Development Department
Watch the rest of the videos from April 16, 2024, on our YouTube channel.
April 16, 2024, topics include:
- Accessibility Requirements under the Fair Housing Act: Challenges and Opportunities
- (Session A) Conciliation for Results: Steps to Ensure Justice and The Public Interest
Remedies for Historic Discrimination and Segregation for Communities of Color, Reed Colfax
Watch the rest of the videos from April 17, 2024, on our YouTube channel.
April 17, 2024, topics include:
- Housing Solutions for People with Disabilities
- Affordable Ownership
- Fighting Appraisal Bias: Understand the appraisal process and prevent bias in the process. What to do when discrimination occurs.
- Remedies for Historic Discrimination and Segregation for Communities of Color, Reed Colfax, Partner, Relman Colfax, PLLC
- Fair Housing Legal Updates
- Income Stabilization Program
- Lost Generation of Homeownership: Will high interest rates and high housing costs result in a lost generation for homeownership?
In our commitment to the public, the Fair Housing Conference vows to deliver enlightening insights through comprehensive sessions, expert panels, and interactive workshops, ensuring attendees leave empowered with practical knowledge. As we commemorate the passage of the Fair Housing Act/Month, it's a pivotal moment to delve into its significance, fostering a deeper understanding of its impact on communities and reaffirming our dedication to upholding its principles of equity and inclusion. Join us in honoring this milestone by embracing education, dialogue, and progress toward a more just and equitable society.
In collaboration with Housing Department, the resource hub offers community members the opportunity to connect with a variety of service providers all in one place. We know that impediments to fair housing include lack of housing resources, and incorporating this resource hub during the Fair Housing Conference will facilitate a stronger support system for residents across departments. Partnering organizations provide the following services:
- Rental assistance
- Affordable home ownership opportunities
- Down payment assistance
- Legal assistance
- Home Repair
- Housing Counseling
- Advocacy for people with disabilities
2023 Fair Housing Conference
Significance of Fair Housing Act and its Impact Today, Candace Valenzuela, Regional Administrator for the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development
Watch the rest of the videos from April 26, 2023, on our YouTube channel.
April 26, 2023, topics include:
- City of Austin 1928: Planned Segregation and its Impact of Communities of Color
- Legal and Current Issues in Fair Housing
- Is Homeownership in Austin still Affordable?
- Creating Communities of Opportunity: What Makes Successful Communities; Challenges & Success Stories
April is National Fair Housing Month. The Office of Civil Rights celebrated the 55th anniversary of the Fair Housing Act by holding the 2023 Fair Housing Conference. This was to celebrate the landmark civil rights law, Fair Housing Act, signed by President Lyndon B. Johnson on April 11, 1968. The day began by celebrating with a Proclamation by Mayor Kirk Watson marking April 2023 as a time of rededication to the spirit and purpose of the goal of fair housing for all and renewal commitment to the promise of fair housing a reality for all Austinites.
The City of Austin - Civil Rights Protections and History, Then and Now
On March 03. 2024, The City of Austin's Office of Civil Rights and the Dallas District of the EEOC for a discussion of the history of rights and protections in the City of Austin and the State of Texas. Two presentations will be followed by a facilitated panel Q&A period.
Sexual Harassment Prevention
On August 11, 2023, the Office of Civil Rights in partnership with and through a grant from U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), co-presented an informational session to raise awareness of federal discrimination laws and recent changes in state law regarding rights and responsibilities to address sexual harassment in the workplace.
- Watch this video to learn more: City of Austin Office of Civil Rights Information on Hospitality Industry
- Para obtener más información, mire este vídeo: Información de la Oficina de Derechos Civiles de la Ciudad de Austin sobre la Industria Hotelera
- Boards and Commissions
Boards and Commissions enable the public to participate in Austin's government processes. Members’ diverse perspectives and experiences help City leaders in shaping and influencing public policy for our communities. The Office of Civil Rights supports the following Commissions to fulfill their duties:
Mayor’s Committee People for Disabilities Municipal Code of Ordinance 2-1-108
The committee is established to encourage, assist, and enable persons with disabilities to participate in the social and economic life of the City, achieve maximum personal independence, become gainfully employed, and use and enjoy fully all public and private facilities available within the community.
Commission for Women Municipal Code of Ordinance 2-1-125
The Commission for Women is established to concerning the needs and problems of women in the Austin area and shall recommend programs designed to alleviate any inequities that may confront women in social, economic, and vocational pursuits. The Commission acts as the central clearinghouse and coordinating agency for activities and information relating to the status of women in the Austin community.
Commission on Veteran Affairs Municipal Code of Ordinance 2-1-127
The Commission on Veteran Affairs represents the military veteran constituency of the Austin community. The purpose of the board is to evaluate and recommend programs, policies, and practices designed to alleviate Veterans' difficulties in meeting basic needs, obtaining housing, employment and comprehensive mental health assistance, act as a clearinghouse for information through collaboration between service providers.
Human Rights Commission Municipal Code of Ordinance 2-1-148
The Human Rights Commission promotes and advises city council to assure effective compliance with non-discrimination policies and recommend to the city manager measures to improve equal protection of all persons and groups against discrimination to include community support for the legislation.