Programs and Services
Clinical Operating Guidelines
The summation of clinical expectations of all providers and organizations in the System are contained in the Clinical Operating Guidelines. These guidelines are the end result of review of clinical evidence and professional practice guidelines.
Medical Directives and Advisories
Medical Directives: Authorizes and describes specific Clinical Operating Guidelines changes or updates within the System; and issued by the Office of the Medical Director to designated points of contact within each agency of the System.
Advisories: Are “Just in Time” information documents concerning clinical, educational, infection control or performance improvement program areas. This document is designed for rapid dissemination to the System and may impact future COG changes resulting in a subsequent Medical Directive.
Healthcare Provider Education
The Austin/Travis County EMS System Office of the Medical Director requires all providers in the system to perform yearly competencies to remain credentialed within the System. ATCOMD is responsible for approval of all system clinical education programs as well as delivery of specific targeted programs to designated providers within the System. This page serves as a portal to continuing education and other system materials.
Public Education and Outreach
An important part of any emergency health services system is informing and educating the public about issues that may pose a threat to health or safety.
Infection Prevention
This page serves to provide health and safety alerts to system providers on pertinent current infectious disease issues. Additional information is provided regarding occupational exposure management and follow-up as well as resources on Personal Protective Equipment.
Performance Improvement
Performance Improvement (PI) of the EMS System includes prospective, retrospective and concurrent review of all aspects of the System that potentially impact patient care.