About Municipal Civil Service
About Municipal Civil Service Commission
The Municipal Civil Service Commission (MCS) recommends the adoption of Civil Service rules to City Council, hear appeals and makes final, binding decisions in the case of City employees who are denied a promotion, discharged, demoted, suspended or put on disciplinary probation.
Read more about the MCS Commission
About Municipal Civil Service Office
The MCS Office was created to administer the MCS rules. The office is the liaison between the MCS Commission and the City. The MCS Office is a division of the Human Resources Department.
The MCS Office encourages employees to schedule an appointment to meet with staff or submit documents. To schedule an appointment, please call one of the staff listed below or email MunicipalCivilService.HRD@austintexas.gov. Electronic submission of appeal documents is highly encouraged when possible.
For questions on the Municipal Civil Service rules email HRD, Municipal Civil Service or call the Municipal Civil Service Office:
- Sylvester Martin, MCS Coordinator - (512) 978-2005
- Abby Varela, MCS Coordinator - (512) 974-3477
- Matthew Chustz, Municipal & Civil Service Manager - (512) 974-2859